IDK why the FBI would ever even care about a trucker unless he or she was involved in a bank robbery, or maybe a serial killer, or something along those lines then they would be interested. Ridgeline I wish I could borrow you to win a couple of arguments
I need a lawyer
Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by John Licitra, Apr 26, 2024.
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Albertaflatbed and Rideandrepair Thank this.
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He is a very nice guy, though. He's well articulated. Basically, he SOUNDS real good. He doesn't give NEARLY as much bad advice as others on this forum though. Some are truly outrageous, even asinine. I've seen Ridge give really good advice, almost word for word what I would have said. But then sometimes......
But one member here has posted a lot of incorrect info so Ridge was very right about misinformation there. The FBI has nothing to do with any of this. Period.
I still ask the same question that I've asked many times before, real true raw experience, who in here has the most lawsuits under their belt? How many were won? How many were lost? How many lawsuits has each person prepared? How many times in a courtroom? How many settled out of court?
One doesn't have to be a lawyer to know the law and even to file lawsuits. They only must hold the appropriate credentials with the bar association in order to be compensated for practicing law. I certainly don't know everything, not even any lawyer does, but I've been involved in so many lawsuits and legal proceedings its ridiculous. I've prepared my own lawsuits numerous times, won every single one, as well. Just gotta know how to play the game.Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
OP = original poster =/= not me
It feels like sometimes people are too concerned with being right or winning arguments and not helping the person who starts the thread and asks for help. Or the person who starts a thread and attempts to share their experience in an effort to warn others or provide guidance. I don't know how to turn off notifications for a thread but I am no longer interested in taking part in this discussion. I only intended to help a fellow man who was experiencing mistreatment. It's been interesting guys. Good luck. -
I usually don't post at all if I know nothing about the situation (such as all of these flat bed threads, I know NOTHING about flatbedders) and if I'm not sure I will make that very clear. But if I know and I'm confident, I will post accordingly.Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
Well, it's been a month and no updates since. I assume by now the issue has been resolved. It probably could've been resolved MONTHS ago if he had just checked his pay stubs (like I always did..), but instead he decided to 'fly off the handle' and make wild accusations. Now he probably realizes his mistakes, and won't post on this thread again....
Lonesome Thanks this. -
It's pretty common to see when a driver gets screwed out of money. They are justifiably out for blood at first. They come on here ranting and raving about going after the culprits for damages and monies owed. They want to mobilize Seals Team 6, break down doors and do a tactical raid on the offending party to teach them a lesson.
After awhile, they realize it's probably a lost cause, and they move on. Hopefully they are more careful with future ventures.Lonesome and gentleroger Thank this. -
also, each agency only handles a very specific section of law, and some agencies overlap as more than 1 agency handles same or similar thing. all of these things make it very much harder to litigate because the problem is usually much bigger than 1 specific agency issue, it may involve 5 to 10 agencies.
for example the agency that handles discrimination is both CRD and the EEOC, and possibly the DFEH. but the discrimination law FEHA in california. if you request the "pay data report" in govt c 12999. this is the report that explains the ethnic demographics of an employer. the agency will consider the document private. even though other laws exist that make work conditions illegal to be private, and hiring practices of hiring only 1 ethnicity is a work conditions so there is LAWS that DIRECTLY contradict 1 another. this CRIPPLES you ABILITY to prosecute such cases. ALSO. none of these agencies are capable of handling BUSINESS ENTITY STRUCTURE SCHEMES. where a parent company is USING 3 TO 6 SUBSIDIARIES to do systemic discrimination. perhaps a big company SEIZED to total control of the market. but it's a parent company and subsidiaries. so 1 of these subsidiaries bypasses all hiring requirements and sends workers into 34 an hour job with overtime and good schedules. the other subsidiary denies workers benefits, health coverage, makes them sleep in the trucks, makes them wait egregiously long periods of time without pay. the first company that pays good also is promoting an affirmative action program to make sure specific ethnicities are hired, meanwhile the other company subsidiary of the parent company is not doing so is diverse ethnicity of the bad company.
IN THIS EXAMPLE of business entity schemes. it's OVER THE HEAD of the agencies, that cant' figure out how business structures work. OUT SIDE THEIR SCOPE. so the CRD EEOC AND DFEH can't even help. because they are sooo limited on what they do. then another agency good at business entity structures. may not know anything about enforcement of discrimination. -
Lonesome Thanks this.
Drier, you are right, there ARE companies like that out there. But we're talking about JB Hunt here. If they were running a scam, not only would their Fortune 100 shipper want to distance themselves from them, but if a bunch of drivers with the same issue found each other here and hired a law firm for a class-action suit, they'd be raked over the coals.
No, most of the stuff you are alluding to are small "Chicago"-style 1099 companies and their ilk, where you have multiple entities owned by a single holding company. JB, Schneider, Swift, etc. aren't out to scam you. They may deny you raises and write you up for minor issues, but big companies like that don't act like gangsters.gentleroger Thanks this.
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