I really like Knight Transportation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by RoaringDown55, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. RoaringDown55

    RoaringDown55 Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Well First of all I been with Knight Transportation for about 4 weeks and I must say this is a fine and dandy company. I'm out of the Olive Branch Terminal. This is really a great freaking company people!!! I get lots of miles great pay and the dispatch is non forced. I'm currently about 1 hour from Chicago I'm going to Illinois and from there Im headed back to Olive Branch. for some hometime. I also just found out today that I'm also getting a new 2007 peterbelt.....:yes2557:. I think its all about which terminal your out of the olive branch one is awsome the people are great and my dispatcher is so cool he actually takes care of me and understands my needs. I just can't think of anything negative to say about them at all!!! I'm getting over 2500 miles a week too.
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  3. javelinjeff

    javelinjeff Medium Load Member

    Aug 30, 2007
    got this one in the wrong spot
  4. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    Yeah, no kidding! Why is this in the 'Bad Company' thread?
  5. Ronnocomot

    Ronnocomot Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2006
    Odds are it will be eventually.:yes2557:
    1pissedoffdriver and Dna Mach Thank this.
  6. RoaringDown55

    RoaringDown55 Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    shame on you!!! How dare you say such a terrible thing...well you are probably one of those big mouths on the cb that just love to talk trash anyway
  7. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    Whoa there 55, you better calm down. Ronnocomot has a very good point, you have been there, how long? Four weeks? Give it some time, things will change, not neccesarily fot the worse, but be ready for it.

    But keep us posted, glad things are going well for you.

    Oh and, FYI, Knight already is in the 'bad company' section.
  8. MagicFingers

    MagicFingers Bobtail Member

    Sep 1, 2007
    House Springs, MO
    I'm sure there are people in EVERY company that want to put their carrier in the "bad company forum." I think it's ridiculous to a certain extent. Look at the positive to negative to ratio and I'm sure the good outweighs the bad with virtually any company. Otherwise, there would be companies going out of business due to their incompetence.

    I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your time with Knight. Keep it up, stay positive, and they will MOST LIKELY keep on treating you positively. Good luck driver!!
  9. RoaringDown55

    RoaringDown55 Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2007
    Well today is going ###### my load shifted on me and now the whole right side of my trailor is all slumped to one side...I called my operations manager he said he would have to get back to me? I really wish I was superman so I could move the freight back over to the right side each bin weighs 2500 pounds I managed to budge one about 3 feet but hurt my back...really don't know what else to do.

    GIGGLES Bobtail Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    Knight-Well my month experiece with them I hope will get me an attorney and file for discrimination/back wages and they costed me my driving career!!!! I hope you have better luck with them. Just don't do anything wrong because they are very happy to put it on you DAC. And what they put has really costed my my life...Now Because of what they put on my DAC I am working weekends at a state park just to have money for my kids! I was told from safety that I would have no problem getting another job. Bull----! It's been over a year and guess what I'm not in a truck. I just think they have a thing toward females! Most companies would not have put something on a dac to where you would never drive again. I ahve tried about 200-300 companies and no one will take me. Good Luck to you with Knight. To me they are the sneakest snakes in the grass.:mmad:
  11. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    Roaring, sorry to hear about the bad day, but bud, we all have them. You will have to take your truck to a cross-dock or transload plce to rework the load. BTW, you didn't mention what happened to make the load shift in the first place. Good luck and hope your back is OK, keep your head up and try and stay positive.

    And Giggles, I am really sorry to hear that, any chance you care to elaborate? Or have you done so elsewhere already?
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