If CR England is SO BAD! Then Why?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by fawne, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    The school is good, but they do either force nyou to lease or starve you out.....correct.
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  3. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    THAT THEY ARE MAN....I was badmouthing them once and they actually placed someone posing as a student in my room and taped me badmouthing them. Management played it for me! I threatened them with legal action and suddenly the tape dissapeared......mmmm.....
  4. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011

    excellent thought!
  5. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    The thing is, that the entire state of Utah is an "at will" state. So unless you are in some very certain, specific fields, it doesn't matter what you do or who you work for here. If they want to get rid of you, you are gone.

    Utah has little, if any, fair labor laws. They (supposedly) have to follow the federal laws, but they sure do know how to "bend" them here.

    It is funny really. We all make fun of, or are pissed off at California. But going from living in California to living in Utah is a real eye opener for anybody who is working for a living.
  6. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    I had nothing but good experiences with CR England. I do recall that there were those that were unhappy with them though, and usually it was the ones that were not getting what they wanted.

    I learned early on that if I wanted to make the money I wanted, I ran hard. I kept the left door shut, and did not truck stop hop. In doing so I gained a reputation no matter what company I worked for of getting loads delivered on time.

    The ones I usually heard complaining were the ones that were not getting good loads, and generally the reason was because they had late loads, or would not run hard. That and if they got a bad load or 2 would call in complaining and threatening to quit.
  7. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I see that you're an ex-driver, some 19 years past - I have no doubt that CRE was once a great company... but have you been there lately? In SLC, they have metal detectors and armed guards... drivers even have to surrender little bitty pocket knives before going in the back to see admin, logs, recruiters or dispatch folks..

    They put drivers in rooms with 7 other people... in a room the size of a small Motel 6 room... and again, have armed guards in the building, at every entrance, and roving the building and parking lot.

    I know why... but for those wo don't, WHY would a company need to protect their recruiters and dispatchers from their drivers, to the point of metal detectors and armed guards??
  8. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    It has been only 10 years since I drove, I had 19 years experience.

    As for security, I don't know what other big companies are like either. I do know that when I came off the road you could generally go into many companies, trucking or not, and not have to be searched where now you do. That has more to do with people changing.

    I can only give my experiences with them. I was treated fairly and enjoyed my time working for them, and if circumstances dictate, would gladly try them again.
  9. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    I've worked for several companies over the years (recently) and have never been searched, had to deal with an armed guard, go through a metal detector, or surrender my little bitty pockt knife in order to talk to a dispatcher...
  10. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    Hello Rick, and welcome to the forum. FWIW I'm also a retired driver, and with everything I am seeing and hearing, I'm #### glad to be retired!

    Back in the '90's when I went through driving school, CRE was very highly recommended by the school. However, things do change. You have been gone from the industry for 10 years, I have been gone for 3.

    But I still have contact with my instructor from the driving school. That school is no longer recommending CRE. In fact, they (quietly) discourage folks from going to CRE.

    Let me stress here, I never worked for them, so I have no personal knowledge of the company. However, with everything I read and hear, it disturbs me greatly to see potentially good drivers come into the business and be used, abused and then thrown away by ANY company.

    Just my two cents worth.
    Rick Brown Thanks this.
  11. Rick Brown

    Rick Brown Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2011
    Monroe NC
    Hey Big Don, I am not retired yet, just taking a long sabbatical, to raise my kids. Hopefully one day in the near future I will once again be riding the lonesome highway.

    I can only comment on when I worked there, and I am sure it has changed, as well as the whole industry, since I was out there.
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