I just want to say that I have had a wonderful experience in the school. The teachers were great. The trainer I have is also really good and I am happy that I have taken the chance to go to England. I am however not as impressed by their lease program.
If CR England is SO BAD! Then Why?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by fawne, Jun 24, 2010.
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Also i will continue to keep checking back so that I know that you all don't accuse me of being a recruiter. I am a real person, from Michigan.
You are already leasing a truck?
no i previously stated that I was not interested in leasing and have just said that I am not impressed by their lease program. I have not decided what to do yet. I am currently almost done with phase one program.
Long story short, then the local paper had a story on something similar on wildlife and they blasted the public how illegal it was. Emailed it to the bank and their duck story was quickly swept under the rug.
Don't get me wrong but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife, WA state, and the Audubon Society did nothing to protect our wildlife. Knew I was going to be right but it took the local paper to prove it, which I think that was a major whopps on their part. -
Hey Fawne, I am about to head to The Gary IN school as well. I was wondering what that experience was like for you. What do you do the first day? I tried asking the recruiter but he didn't seem to have a complete answer. I also noticed that the screening process is very weak. Will they do a full background and everything else check the first day? I guess I just don't want to find out after a week or two that I am not qualified to work there. 8 years ago I went through Schneider's school and remember doing everything before even leaving for school (Background, drug test, DOT physical, etc).
From what I have read in previous posts, and there a a few of them. They do the physical the first day you are there. Back ground is done prior to arrival, and done once again there I have heard. Seems that you are still rolling the dice time to time if they are going to boot you or not. Read the previous posts (have a few hours to spend reading them), they are full of good information.
Stick to it. Keep your eyes and ears open. CRE takes a while to reveal itself a lot of times, up to a year. Sounds like Burns Harbor is working for you and that is the most important thing. Best wishes. -
I turned in my truck when they asked if I would lease another and laughed. The young lady at horizon in SLC ask what was so funny. I replied"That you think I am stupid enough to stay here and get screwed again." Her ereply "Other drivers have!"I stopped looked at her and walked out shaking my head. I was supposed tro get a bus ticket home Never happened, I was supposed to get 1 cent per paid mile back. Never happened.
So fawn go on up there and bend over they will give you the shaft.
I -
What actually makes me laugh is that the lease trucks are governed at 62mph. If they're going to treat a lease driver as a owner operator, having you paying for their truck through a supposedly separate lease company, they shouldn't have the right to force you to go that slow.
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