If CR England is SO BAD! Then Why?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by fawne, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. JabberJaws

    JabberJaws Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Nashville Tennesse
    Yea I mentioned that a few times.
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  3. Emulsified

    Emulsified Road Train Member

    May 6, 2010
    Dallas, TX
    The fact of the matter is they have all kinds of rules. If you're not willing to follow ALL of them, DON'T sign!
  4. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    Nobody with a half a brain would sign.
    Only those that are desperate as hell. Or gullible as hell.
  5. izifaddag

    izifaddag Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    This must be new because when I worked there I drove a lease truck and it would cruise at 70
  6. JabberJaws

    JabberJaws Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Nashville Tennesse
    YEA all new hireds are set at 62
  7. ghostranger5of7

    ghostranger5of7 Light Load Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Springdale, AR

    Well, most of the complaints and "bad" opinions aren't based on CR's trucking school. Overall, the SCHOOL is a pretty decent and thorough program. It's when a driver gets to the OTR stage that the nightmare begins. :biggrin_25513:
  8. Mainframe

    Mainframe Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    beloit, wi
    some of the otr trainers shouldn't be training, thats true. I've totally blasted the doors off in the second Phase department, i refuse to stop doing it. i get good, quality one on one training time with a student and no distractions. my trucking background includes being a qualified dot inpector/mechanic, and i THINK i might have the right attitude, because i haven't had a complaint yet....:biggrin_25525:
    when my students are about to get off the truck, they are running mine 100%.
    all inspections, paperwork, trip plans, routes, etc, they do. that way i KNOW they have the skills that a (read any) truck driver should know.
    i also teach them about some of the small things that can save a lot of hassle, like a clean, well kept truck is less likely to get a DOT inspection.....
    one of my second seats came on my truck, after some hoodoo with a different trainer, and that trainer (thankfully) got fired. :biggrin_25523:
  9. gorteck

    gorteck Bobtail Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Ok so where CAN a noob go to get driver training? I CAN NOT pay for it on my own and though my MRV is clean I do have a careless that is 3yr old and I am unable to find a job. CRE has said they will hire me upon sucesfull compleation of driver school. I am open to sugestions.
  10. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Maybe post what area u live in !!!
  11. Emulsified

    Emulsified Road Train Member

    May 6, 2010
    Dallas, TX
    check with your state unemployment office. many states will pay for your schooling to get you off the rolls. If you're a vet, check with the VA. They will pay for schooling in many cases. If you're off work on a workers comp, check with them...again...they will pay. If you're on disability, check on that one.
    Not all people that go thru CDL school drive trucks. My brother got VA to pay his school and he drives a school bus part time. keeps him happy and out of the bingo halls. There are jobs as shuttle bus drivers for Avis, Budget, etc that require a CDL (B) with P endorsement. That works for many people.
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