If CR England is SO BAD! Then Why?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by fawne, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. gorteck

    gorteck Bobtail Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Oh, I am from MI.
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  3. gorteck

    gorteck Bobtail Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    What if CRE will not hire you after you attened their school, are you still on the hook for the cost of the school?
  4. justsid

    justsid Bobtail Member

    Feb 18, 2011
    Yep you still have to pay. I was an idiot and let my younger brother talk me into going to CR England. I didnt research it as I thought he knew the company. Sucker born every minute. We leased a truck. After about 4 months at school (should have been shorter but my Phase two trainer wouldn't bring me back to start driving with my brother) and 5 months of OTR Lease driving at 5000-6000 miles per week. My yearly income according to my taxs was $3,546.00 dollars for 9 months of driving for this wretched company. Worst mistake I ever made in my life. I turned it into the labor Board and virtually nothing came from it. I toke the paperwork to a tax attorney. He estimates that my brother and I was robbed for about 50k by Horizon leasing, CR England, and Eagle Atlantic financial Services. We still owe them 9k between the two of us according to Horizon Leasing and Eagle Atlantic Financial Services. Unfortunately, England left my brother and I so destitute, that we couldn't afford to sue them. I literally lost everything, car, house. My brother lost his House, wife and kids. The wife and kids because A: He couldn't send any money home because we made none. B: In the 9 months we were out we were only allowed to return home for a visit 2 times totaling 1 week. Yeah I feel bad for fawne. I wish her the best but know better first hand.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  5. sherrielee

    sherrielee Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    springfield mo.
    I just warn you they talk the talk, they make everything seem great in the begining and then once they have you where they want you.........All I can really say is GOOD LUCK!!
  6. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    BBB is outdated like the landline telephone. Older people use it because they are stuck in the mud. The internet has changed everything now. Social media rules. Bullitin boards are a more effective means of spreading the word that using the BBB. I was a CRE trainer for almost 2 years up until 6 months ago. That negative stuff is accurate take it from me. See my post CR England "beware" for more info.

    As far as "However I am going to give them a fair chance from an objective stand point." That is what I, and 1000's of others did. You will see the light after a period of time, and join the critics here someday too!
  7. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    you asked for it ha ha lol!!!!!
  8. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    If you do not get hired there is no cost for the school. Thats why they blow you out as early as possible if there is even a chance you won't be "good". If you get hired and fired the next day you will be responsible for tuition. Sorry!
  9. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    OLD FART....this was the best post I have read yet. You adressed each point in an intelligent manner right to the point. She is in for a HUGE surprise at CRE. She will dissapear mark my words, people don't like to be wrong. Great job man!:biggrin_25519:
    Big Don Thanks this.
  10. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    Absolutely correct! I went to the school. It was very good. After that the nightmares begin!
  11. wplezotte

    wplezotte Light Load Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    So, you are inferring that CR England denies it's employees, and students, the right and privilege of the First Amendment? You bet they do! They are an "at will" employer.
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