If you want to work in the oilfield

Discussion in 'Oilfield Trucking Forum' started by SavageMuffin, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Hello all, I don’t know if it will help anyone out or if the mods will keep it open but I figure since the question gets asked enough it might be worth writing a very general advice thread for getting started.

    I’m currently a driver in the oilfield in North Dakota, so I’ll try to offer a little insight.

    If you’re new to the forum and you have a question to ask in regards to the oilfield, how to get started etc. when you make your post be sure to include possible areas/plays you’re interested in working in, your experience and things like that.

    The best thing to do in my experience is kinda look around on Indeed or possibly Craigslist and see what you can find. Maybe Google things like, Oilfield companies in blah blah state or well service companies in blah blah area. If you can, simply CALL THEM. You’d be surprised what information these places will provide over the phone at their local office. If you’re close enough, just walk in their office and see if they’re hiring.

    Crude, sand and water seem to be the big things people ask about getting into the most, mostly crude and sand. I can’t tell you about crude but I can say if you have 0 tanker experience that’s probably not going to be an out of the gate job at MOST places simply because that’s a big deal if you have spill or worse have a wreck. I’m NOT saying it hasn’t happened or can’t be done but it’s not everyday someone hires you to go from hauling groceries to crude oil but it has happened.

    Sand. I’ve hauled sand in sandboxes, from my experience it doesn’t really take much to get started doing. I just showed up, got a job, went to work hauling sand like 3 days later. It’s not hard at all.

    Pneumatics, no clue, never ran one, hopefully someone chimes in.

    Hauling water. There’s service work, salt water, fresh water, just a few different ways to go here. This is the most entry level driving job for the patch. It’s how most people get the oilfield and tanker experience required to haul crude, and other liquids that require more experience.

    These are not the only driving jobs in the oilfield, not even almost.

    There are Class A CDL positions a plenty.

    There’s winch trucks, slick trucks, hot shots, cement crews, small straight sewer trucks, crane crews and all kinds of things in between.

    Now, typically you get paid either percentage or hourly, personally I prefer hourly because yes, even out here there’s times you will wait around. I sat at a pipeyard for over 10 hours and since I’m hourly, I was making money. Percentage, you make your money moving loads.

    A foot in the door is a foot in the door and might lead to better opportunities elsewhere.

    Workover rigs
    Drilling rigs
    Frac crews
    Log and perf
    Coil tubing
    Water transfer
    Hydro testing
    Super suckers/hydro vacs
    Operating equipment
    Crane crews
    Alllllll kinds of jobs. A lot of those in some form or fashion can utilize a Class A CDL.

    For Owner Operators, I cant really talk about that because I’m not one. All I’ve seen in my experience is most want you to have your own authority from who I’ve talked to.

    If you’re new, go to a bigger company and save yourself some heartache of not being paid and all that Jazz. Go to a smaller company once you know what to look for.

    Hopefully some more experienced guys can add some more suggestions.

    Baker Hughes
    C&J Energy
    Noble Drilling
    Noble Casing
    Noble Trucking
    Nabors Drilling
    H&P Drilling
    Key Energy
    Cruz Energy
    Basic Energy
    Purity Oilfield Services
    Stallion Oilfield Services
    Nuverra/Power Fuels
    Patterson/UTI Drilling
    Cal Frac
    Triple S Enterprises
    In case anyone asks, there’s a list to get you started. Most of them to my knowledge have entry level positions.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2019
    Steveatriker99, AFC, Luccc and 35 others Thank this.
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  3. precariousthoughts

    precariousthoughts Light Load Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    Thank you for taking the time to help. There's a lot of good information there
  4. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    If it’s helps somebody it’s worth it.
  5. speedyk

    speedyk Road Train Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    If you work for a small outfit, and the pay is screwed up once, it will be again and again.
  6. Dave_in_AZ

    Dave_in_AZ Road Train Member

    May 4, 2015
    Is it cruel, but not unusual in the winter? I mean I'm one of the dumb ones that goes to Minot and GF in the winter. Year before last it was cold the loader was wearing a breathing mask, and full face mask and parka like they do in arctic.

    Do guys go in warming huts or something similar?

    Are the living conditions better than in west Texas?
    rabbiporkchop and SavageMuffin Thank this.
  7. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Winters do get pretty brutal. Temps at -40 or -50 but in my experience the way it is now most places shut it down past -40 unless it’s going to be that cold for a long period of time.

    Typically 4.0’s, face masks, beanies and insulated coveralls are the norm. The trick is to layer your clothes because if you’re working hot and heavy you WILL get warm and sweat, that’s no good.

    If you’re outside working insulated boots are a thing of beauty as long as you keep your feet from sweating or you’re changing your socks out.

    As far as vs West Texas I cant say. From what I’ve gathered the cost of living is similar but the pay here is higher.

    Sometimes you take warm up breaks if you don’t have flameless rig heaters. We didn’t use them we just went in the dog house for a bit then back to work.

    The wind In this part of the country is the biggest threat because there’s nothing to block it due to how flat and plains like it is.
    Blagoje, rabbiporkchop and Dave_in_AZ Thank this.
  8. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018
    Exactly right. I experienced it with that sand hauling gig I mentioned. I stopped moving my truck, got my paycheck after getting into it with the boss then I left.
    Dave_in_AZ Thanks this.
  9. darknessesedge

    darknessesedge Medium Load Member

    Jul 8, 2013
  10. SavageMuffin

    SavageMuffin Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2018

    All I see is where you quoted the post. Did you say anything?
  11. Jay_Pull

    Jay_Pull Light Load Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    Hey @SavageMuffin, would you think it’d be a good plan to drive with a mega for a year and then try to apply for oil field jobs if you are brand new? Do they ever drive teams in the oil field?
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