I'm a Maverick driver running RMW (regional midwest) if you have a question

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Craig Ryan, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Craig Ryan

    Craig Ryan Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Indianapolis IN
    I'm Craig Ryan, currently a Maverick driver in the RMW division. It's working pretty well for me, and hopefully I can help anyone interested in Maverick have accurate information. I live in the Indianapolis area but run a pretty large geographical area from the plains states east. Maverick has been everything I'd hoped for as a place to work.
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  3. Craig Ryan

    Craig Ryan Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Indianapolis IN
    Last week saw over 3000 miles. Starting from home, I delivered a load of gray bar in the St. Paul area Monday morning. I had to drive all of Sunday, but I'd been home since Friday afternoon. I then loaded with more gray bar and headed to South Bend Indiana. From there I got a load of skidded coils out of Portage, IN going to NW Arkansas. I deadheaded to our terminal in Fort Smith and loaded gray bar back up to the Detroit area. I unloaded then picked up my current coil in NW Ohio getting home Friday evening. I've gotten my 34 and slept in my own bed three nights; I'll leave in the morning for an early evening appointment to unload in Alabama. I don't get this many miles every week, in fact I'd rather not! My running weekly average is 2120. It's been about 9 months since I've been held out over a weekend, and that was Super Bowl weekend! I remember watching the game in a Kansas FJ. Be safe.
    audeygdad and FLYMIKEXL Thank this.
  4. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Hello Craig. What is the RMW division?
  5. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Oops never mind. Lol.
  6. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Does Maverick run autos?
  7. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Yep, how else can they get drivers
    I know duck and cover....
    SHOJim Thanks this.
  8. Craig Ryan

    Craig Ryan Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Indianapolis IN
    F150Jim, Yes, most of our fleet has auto 10 speeds, newer trucks have 12? I think. I have a 2015 and I have a DD13 with a 10 speed. I drove my first truck in 1976 and have had them all from 10, 13, 5x4, 15, etc., and I'll take this new auto 10 any day! For getting down the road with the least amount of fatigue it can't be beat. Once you get over the "real truckers only drive a stick" bit it makes perfect sense. Maverick has a few divisions dependent on where you live. I live smack dab in the middle of the midwest region. Check the website for the geographic regions. maverickusa.com
    Thanks! Be safe.
    DRAGON64 and SHOJim Thank this.
  9. SHOJim

    SHOJim Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Columbus, Ohio
    Does Maverick still have their cdl school?
  10. Craig Ryan

    Craig Ryan Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Indianapolis IN
    As far as I know we are working with a partner which is fairly close geographically (Arkansas). It is not on premise, but lets us help applicants get into our supply chain who do not yet have a cdl. I believe we even have some of our trucks at that location for the school to use. Most of our drivers come in with a cdl or other company experience. Maverick has tuition reimbursement for school if we are the first company you come to after graduating from most cdl schools. Contact one of our recruiters for the latest up date info on this subject. Once you have your cdl, you are put through our paid training in North Little Rock, then on to a trainer truck. I hope this helps F150Jim. Drive safe!
    itsbeale and FLYMIKEXL Thank this.
  11. Craig Ryan

    Craig Ryan Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    Indianapolis IN
    Friday late afternoon and I'm home after a good week! Delivered in Talladega, Alabama Monday evening, so didn't leave out until Monday morning with the coil I'd brought home. Got there early, unloaded and had a preplan to load in Birmingham the next morning. Went into a big ugly steel place and got an assortment of angle iron and flat pieces of steel. Wasn't blocked (between the stacks), so it took some time to secure properly, but we got it done. We had a delivery appointment for Thursday morning at 8 in Catoosa, Oklahoma, which gave us loads of time to get there. We drove to North Little Rock and camped out for the night, then spent a couple of good hours practicing our backing in the morning. We still had time to kill, so we spent Wednesday night at our Ft. Smith yard and drove in to our appointment in the morning with the benefit of two nights with showers, tv, free coffee, and camaraderie. Maverick immediately headheaded us back to Ft. Smith for a live load of bar to take to Chicago with a Monday delivery. So I'm home in Indiana until Monday morning and will leave out after a dentist appointment for a 1300 drop. Not huge miles this week, but after last week with over 3000 I welcome it. Besides, the biggest reason I chose Maverick is for home time. Next week will be short, Maverick will get me home for the holiday, and it's the last few days for my present student. Be safe!
    4mer trucker Thanks this.
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