I'm A Super Trucker Looking For Work

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by VULCAN1999, Aug 12, 2007.

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  1. teksin

    teksin Bobtail Member

    Oct 3, 2007
    whitney, texas
    Im the somebitchen 4 wheeler on the right shoulder!
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  3. VULCAN1999

    VULCAN1999 World's #1 Grandpa

    Jul 28, 2007
    Bunnell, FL
    I just used my crow bar to pry 3 of you fourwheelers out of my grill this morning, learn not to drive on the shoulder. I own the shoulder and drive there when I want. I hate the SUV because they are bigger then speed bumps and slow me down at least 1 mile an hour for each one I hit.

    My favorite movie is Death Race 2000, I wish that was the real world.
  4. blownscoot

    blownscoot Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2007
    I have been tring to restrain myself but your nuclear power plant has did it.I will now unleash my 2.5 cubic inch weed eater engine on you. It is fully supercharged and also may i add it has an 8v92 blower on it too. So watch out im a coming
  5. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
  6. Mr_Dude

    Mr_Dude Engineer Of Doom

    Aug 18, 2007
    Lowell, Arkansas
    When our Westinghouse-powered Freightliner Cascadias are coming at you, You're gonna wish you were having Tea and Crumpets in Chernobyl. :biggrin_2551:

    Vulcan, you're actually slowed down by that? after 1 SUV hit, the Governor on our company trucks gets disabled, and for every additional hit after that, it makes the computer tune up, thinking it's one of those SuperDiesel GT3 racers that Audi runs at LeMans. No, Seriously, a 200 MPH Diesel-powered RACE CAR! look it up.
  7. truckerfromhell

    truckerfromhell Light Load Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    iran needs you run over as many as u can and dont forget to write

    we need super truckers like you over there be the first super trucker

    to show them iranians hot to drive the American way (not):biggrin_25523:
  8. VULCAN1999

    VULCAN1999 World's #1 Grandpa

    Jul 28, 2007
    Bunnell, FL
    Nope, President Bush already called asking if I would haul Weapons Of Mass Destruction into Iran for him along with millions of rifles but I told him NO. He's pretty mad because he said it would hurt his and Cheney's profit with the loss of this sale.
  9. VULCAN1999

    VULCAN1999 World's #1 Grandpa

    Jul 28, 2007
    Bunnell, FL
    Thank God winter is almost here, I cant wait to go sledding down Donner Pass at 150 mph with 80k on my back.

    I grow extra hair on my back in the winter just so I can enjoy it without a coat, theres nothing like tarping a load in minus 25 F weather with 50 mph wind just lets me know I'm alive.

    Sometimes I'll take off my 36 inch oval belt buckle and snowboard with it.

    God its good to be a SuperTrucker :biggrin_2553:
  10. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    Tell me the truth.

    Will you do this with chains or be a real trucker and take the trip without stopping to throw the iron.
  11. VULCAN1999

    VULCAN1999 World's #1 Grandpa

    Jul 28, 2007
    Bunnell, FL
    Only chains I have on my truck is the log chain that holds my wallet to my pants, because when your a SuperTrucker and carry $100,000 with you at all times you need a good chain.

    Plus no self respecting SuperTrucker would dare chain his truck in the snow, chains slow you down and snow and ice just make the truck go faster.
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