I'm baaaaaack!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Captain Zoom, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Erkkk. Early morning in a house full of small children. They will not be contained. Heck with it; I'm up. Supposed to report to the hotel tomorrow evening. Will be nice to have a bed again (wife has the couch, I have the floor). Wish I had the bucks to pay for her to join me in the hotel, but she's gonna have to stay here a few more days than me. Fortunately she can join me right out of orientation. She's put up with a lot and I'm very blessed to have her.
    Dominick253 and double yellow Thank this.
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  3. rednex

    rednex Bobtail Member

    Dec 9, 2014
    Keep the thread! Hope Gordon works out as you hope and keep on keepin' on.
  4. OriginalBigfoot

    OriginalBigfoot Light Load Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    New Orleans, LA
    Just got my airline confirmation... See you there Cap!
  5. Mr.X

    Mr.X Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    Spokane, WA
    I have met many nice professional Gordan drivers. I think they treat their people pretty good!
    Im sub'd, I like your style, and look forward to reading your thread! Enjoy the new Bluebird, best wishes to you and Wifey!
  6. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Checking into hotel tomorrow afternoon. Packing tomorrow morning. Watching Pixar and Dreamworks DVDs tonight.
  7. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Packing. I can check in any time after 1500 so going this evening. If my roommate doesn't show I may be able to sneak my wife in for free; otherwise, she'll have to hang out with our friends for a few days. I may be spending Christmas day with them. If I'm lucky I'll be heading out Wednesday afternoon. I'll keep you all posted as I go along. Had a good scare last night; more on that later-- right now I gotta go. Later!

    I am Captain Zoom.
    I have spoken.
    Dominick253 Thanks this.
  8. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    CPAP! I have to bring a printout of my compliance on the machine. I got my machine from Celadon. It has no card; you have to have a special cable to hook it straight to your computer. I went to Celadon medical and got them to give me a printout. Then last night I went looking for it and It was gone. Without that printout I cannot pass the physical. My wife and I went berserk trying to find the thing. The best I could hope for was going to be sitting around mooching off my friends for at least another week while I scheduled and completed a sleep study. Fortunately, around 0100, I found the stupid thing. I had put it into the wrong jacket by mistake. Aaargh. I got very little sleep last night. Lot of stress in dodging a bullet like that.

    I will be back to my usual sweet self by tomorrow.
    Dominick253 and The Challenger Thank this.
  9. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL
    Good luck you guys. Have fun and avoid the crazy's.

  10. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Sitting in the Country Inn & Suites waiting for orientation tomorrow. My blood sugar has been a little high (mid 2's) so I'm pretty nervous about the physical. Under a doctor's care so maybe they'll give me a short card if I can't get it to come down by tomorrow. Need to skip breakfast or have something very light, like a sausage patty and an egg. And lots and lots of water. We'll see what happens in the morning. I have that #@$& CPAP printout stapled to my scrotum so I won't lose it again. Ow.

    My room dawg should be here soon. If he doesn't show up I'll probably sneak my wife and luggage in here. But I'm not that lucky.

    Took a little walk to a Culver's for lunch, and ran into the after-church crowd. Church people can get pretty mean at lunch time. Come to think of it, some of the meanest people I've ever known were pillars in their churches. Says something about the difference between religion and faith, I guess. I was glad to get out of there. These folks were part of a "money" church; it showed in their dress, their vehicles, and (unfortunately) their manners. I heard someone bragging about their new Escalade and proclaiming that Jesus would have driven a Cadillac if He were here today. My wife thinks He would likely have taken the bus. I tend to agree. Also, He would have changed the lives of the passengers and the driver while He was on His way to wherever He was going. Waving your wealth around as proof that God loves you insinuates that He loves you more than the person standing next to you. Or that the guy who is struggling is somehow deficient in his character and it's his fault for not having enough faith or being a good enough person so God won't bless him no matter how hard he works, because, again, He loves the rich guy more. I seem to remember Jesus saying something about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. In those days, there was a smaller opening in the city wall near the main gate for people on foot to pass through and avoid the congestion at the main gate. It was called the eye of the needle. The only way for a camel to pass through it was on it's knees, and stripped of everything it was carrying. The comparison was obvious, valid, and remains so. There is no inherent nobility in being wealthy any more than struggling means one is deficient in their character. The reverse is also true; the wealthy aren't automatically evil any more than the poor are necessarily good hearted, hard working people. I really wish more people would look at the contents of another person's character based on their words and actions and not on the cut of their suit or how new their car is.

    (Stepping off soap box) Okay, sermon over, sorry about that. I'm not here to push anything down anybody's throat but I'm gonna speak my mind. I know I'm probably not going to change anybody's mind and that's fine; I am not anybody's judge (God knows I couldn't handle the responsibility). These are just my thoughts.

    I am Captain Zoom.
    I have spoken.
  11. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Welp, just pricked my finger for the one millionth time and it appears my fasting sugar level is 163, just 13 points above my goal of 150 or below. Happy happy happy. Gonna eat a (sensible) dinner and skip breakfast in the morning except for some water. That should make me good for the physical with no problems. Except now I have to clean my computer because I am bleeding all over my keyboard. Aack. Shouldn't have used a tent stake to get a blood sample.

    I am Captain Zoom.
    I am bleeding.
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