After assessing my opportunities, I needed to choose a company that would meet my needs, and the needs of my family. I am currently located in East Stroudsburg, PA, and plan to move to Colorado Springs where my family recently moved.
My wife has multiple schlerosis, and needed the help and support of her family and extended family, so I needed to find a new career that would allow me to make that move. I could have found a job as a Work Analyst, or in Technical Assistance, etc. but I decided to do things right and take the opportunity to do what I've wanted to do for a long time, become a TRUCK DRIVER and has my 2.5 year old son would say, drive a, "BIIGGGG CHUCK".
So here I am, headed to orientation with Swift at 7 AM on Monday morning. I'll arrive at the Days Inn in Jonestown PA at 3 PM on Sunday and take a shuttle from the hotel to my destination company.
Based on the name of the company, I'm looking forward to speeding to delivery my loads quickly...or maybe that's just a name to market the company and I shouldn't get the wrong idea.....
Anybody else heading to the orientation in Harrisburg this Monday?
I'm going with Swift!!!
Discussion in 'Swift' started by OpenRoadGuy, Aug 13, 2010.
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With trucks governed at 62mph, they hardly live up to the name on the side, but at least they usually give you plenty of time to get there.
I wish you luck in your endeavours, and I in no means intend to discourage you, but if your wife is sick and needs assistance, especially with a 2.5 year old son, is this really the best idea? First you're going to be gone for 3 weeks for schooling, no hometime. You may get to go home for a couple days after that, then its back for orientation, which is just a couple days, then you either return home to wait for a mentor, or you head out with a mentor right away. While you are with a mentor, there typically is no hometime, that's 6 weeks out without seeing your family. Then once you finish training and get your own truck, you're home every 2 weeks, sometimes you're out even longer.
Again, I'm not trying to discourage you. In fact, if you follow thru with this, I wish you all the best. I just want you to understand what you are getting into and the stress is will put on your family. If my wife had any type of disability like that, I most certainly would not be out here, no matter how much I've wanted to do this.
Good luck, sincerely.OpenRoadGuy, AfterShock, money baby and 2 others Thank this. -
Good luck OpenRoad!! If you have read and studied the forums here then you should know what your getting into. And your still excited
I wish you the best and hope you keep us posted.
AfterShock and OpenRoadGuy Thank this. -
I've already been to school, so I'm going to an orientation and then I'll be out 6 weeks with a mentor. I already have another thread called "Help a Trucker Wannabe Out" and already discussed my family and options extensively.AfterShock Thanks this. -
AfterShock Thanks this.
Anyway, you'll do fine with Swift. There's plenty of mobility within this company. But for now, get through your training and into your your own truck. I'm rooting for you!!
Godspeed ORGOpenRoadGuy Thanks this. -
Good Luck ORG!! Were all rooting for you.
difference-maker, OpenRoadGuy, AfterShock and 1 other person Thank this. -
OpenRoadGuy Thanks this.
Good luck and hope to meet you out there~!
OpenRoadGuy Thanks this.
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