I'm going with Swift!!!

Discussion in 'Swift' started by OpenRoadGuy, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. SavageSam

    SavageSam Medium Load Member

    Feb 7, 2009
    I read most of his previous thread and most of this one. I'm hopeing somethings not wrong. At the same time I feel a sense of betrayal.
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  3. Lenrod

    Lenrod Bobtail Member

    Jul 29, 2012
    Shreveport, La
    It took me 4 days to read both threads.... Very enlightening!! It felt like a good book I couldn't put down. Really wish he hadn't just disappeared like that though, I hate not having any closure to the story. I am very glad to see that there are experienced drivers on this forum regularly who are willing to share that experience with the new guys just getting into it ( like me!). Much thanks to everyone who has posted and shared advice and encouragement! Maybe one day we will learn "the rest of the story".
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Maybe one day we will learn the rest of the story, ........
    maybe not.
    Either way, --- it reminds me to be thankful for what ORG did manage to enlighten us with
    during the time he spent with us.

    BTW, Welcome to The Trucker's Report forums Lenrod.
    And, ..... you're correct, --- there ARE quite a few experienced
    Big truck truck drivers here who do their best to provide accurate
    information concerning the Big truck truckin' industry.
    Remember two things, ......
    1. the dumbest question is the question not asked.
    2. Have fun.
    123456, Lenrod, DocFrank and 1 other person Thank this.
  5. kerosene jockey

    kerosene jockey Light Load Member

    Jan 31, 2013
  6. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    not in the last 2 years........
    sammycat Thanks this.
  7. comallard

    comallard Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    Lagrange, GA
    This was like a great book that only included the beginning and the ending was tore out. Still a great read and really gives a great detail about trucking. I wish OTR the best, where ever you are!
    scottied67 Thanks this.
  8. Scott72

    Scott72 Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2013
    Wow! I read both threads from front to back. Great reads, but very disappointing to now know what happened! Hope Chris and Org are both doing well where ever they are.
    scottied67 Thanks this.
  9. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Road Train Member

    Oct 16, 2013
    Well, after reading his original thread & this one over the last week..... definitely a puzzler, and quite unexpected non ending. Still have to follow Chris's second thread yet. But, on the chance that ORG ever sees this, I just wanted to give my never ending thanks. Absolutely timeless and exceptional account of his experience, along with advice from dedicated folks in the know that has helped me out TREMENDOUSLY through my months long research and decisions. Even though I don't know what the end result was, doesn't matter if he's driving or not. (Though it bothers me not knowing if he is alright). He, along with those whom have contributed & advised along the way, have helped me WAY MORE than any of you can imagine. And for that, I can never thank ya'll enough!

    Only been a lurker for some months now, but after FINALLY reading ORG's threads (whew!) & getting to point of finally signing for classes, figured I would at least sign up here. Never been much for forum participation, but just HAD to comment on what is probably the BEST #### commentary I have come across yet on the processes involved in getting started. Can't wait to see Chris's thread after this, and so glad he was able to join in on original thread and continue on. Hope he is still out there.... gonna be searching his threads out.
    To all whom helped ORG along the way, I will just give a general thanks for myself for helping me, too. I WAS paying attention, as I went through that sucker with a fine tooth comb. Way to many to thank individually, but you know whom you are. One hell of a lot of experience and wisdom, along with a true caring I don't see much of in this day and age. Gives me a bit of optimism when it is lacking at times. You are truly a special bunch.

    Finally, to ORG.... I sincerely hope all is well with you and your's. I truly hope that you get to see this someday & see how something you started so long ago has continued to help those of us making decisions, even now. I wasn't green about the field before coming here but, learned so much from what you went through, and the contributions of so many.

    Thank you, my friend!

    May you have a blessed & prosperous life in whatever you do.
    sammycat and scottied67 Thank this.
  10. okieboy78

    okieboy78 Bobtail Member

    Mar 8, 2019
    Did anyone ever figure out what happened to ORG?? I loved reading his stories.

    I just finished this thread today and it's killing me to know what happened to him.
  11. okieboy78

    okieboy78 Bobtail Member

    Mar 8, 2019

    Did you every find out what happend to ORG??

    QUOTE="chralb, post: 1984744, member: 46447"]Well I certainly pray you're right buddy but.... no goodby here? His cell number not working and no contact with me?? Just doesn't sound like him but, I may be wrong. Sure hope so.

    I think I'll call Swift and see if they can shead any light on this. I'll bet my last dollar he isn't driving anymore but I hope it's simply as you say and NOT because something bad happened. It's just my "personal" loss of contact with him that has me worried/wondering.[/QUOTE]
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