Indian River Transport, Co. - Winter Haven, FL.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by rwings, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    So what is your cpm going to be? Do they pay for all miles driven or do they pay the BS pratical mile?
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  3. mitchtazz

    mitchtazz Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Lake Wales, Fl
    Empty miles $1.07 + FSC (this week) = $1.48
    Loaded miles was the same, but the raise will increase it to $1.17 + FSC (this week) = $1.58

    normally the miles are dead on for what the gps tells me.. sometimes the gps is actually shorter.. the most they've ever been off for me is about 20miles.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  4. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    I am not an O/O. I hope that is good money for you. Be safe out there.
  5. chaser9920

    chaser9920 Bobtail Member

    Jun 13, 2013
    i dont know where the rev gets that information, but my wife and i team for irt and have been there a year. ill do the good first and the bad second. the equipment is second to none. 2014 and 2015 peterbilt 579s. they do have a few freightliners and internationals but not many. we do have terminals in clovis, nm and turlock ca. most all the people you meet are friendly and easy to work with. we DO NOT have 401k. they DO NOT pay detention. health insurance is very expensive!! ( 175 a week ). home time is 1 day off for every week out. MAXIMUM 4 DAYS OFF. and this is only WHEN you can get home. ( in the winter which is our busiest time, forget it ). most single drivers we talk to say the are making 700-900 a week. i would say thats close because after taxes and insurance thats what my wife and i make each. this is not really a good co. for teams. we average about 4000- 4600 miles a week. we are both in our middle 50s so its perfect for us. to answer your question about why drivers come and go, actually most drivers have been here a long time. we have about 25% of the fleet that turns. the reason is, most people that come here have never pulled a smooth bore tank. until you figure it out, it will beat your living brains out. weve had many drivers leave out on there first trip, and return 30 minutes later and quit. you have to feel where the load is heading and be the smoothest shifter that ever lived. we have been at this a year and sometimes even now, half the stuff in the bunk ends up on the dash. anybody can learn this job, but most people dont want to invest the time. all in all, its a good company. about average id say. oh, there is no milage bonuses except for teams. anything over 6000 miles a week pays 60 cpm. i think we made it 4 times in a year. we dont have any plans to leave here so i hope we might see you in the future.
    TankerYanker698 Thanks this.
  6. JRTBud87

    JRTBud87 Light Load Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    Scio, Oregon
    Try it with an automatic transmission. I have been doing food grade tank for 6 years for a different company, with a manual 13 speed until now. We just got autos. It sucks.
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
  7. mitchtazz

    mitchtazz Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Lake Wales, Fl
    it's good enough.. i'm averaging about $2500 to the house every week, and i hardly, if ever break 3000mi. When i was with the river running Canada i was usually trying to pound out almost 4000mi a week just for a POS $1300 check. Every other day i had to sit and redo my log book so Mama Debb's wouldn't have to call me. I either slept at the port, flying j in pembroke, or one of those parking areas on I81 just north of water town..

    but then the port went to appointments and i couldn't run hard and started loosing money.. they tried me in milk but those #### Angels suck at their job (or maybe it was because i was a new driver to them) and lost me in Murray Kentucky for three days.. i quit after that.
    Milkman719 Thanks this.
  8. Spring Chicken

    Spring Chicken Medium Load Member

    Apr 6, 2013
    Lakeland, FL
    Deadhead pays the same as loaded. Sometimes your deadhead miles will exceed your loaded miles for the week. But they both pay the same, so who cares?
  9. stabob

    stabob Heavy Load Member

    May 25, 2011
    Sebring Fl
    Can we still use this thread?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  10. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Probably. As long as you and SpringChicken don't start sniping at each other like a couple of kindergarten kids, anyway. Just sayin'.......
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
    born&raisedintheusa and stabob Thank this.
  11. TeePee Creeper

    TeePee Creeper Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Check out their CSA scores, partly the reason for high driver turn over. Can't make money sitting in inspection station. Is you personal CSA Score worth ruining, after all DOT is DOT.
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