Indian River Transport- The journey begins

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Deadhead75, Jun 13, 2014.

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  1. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I cant help you with the home time. I am OTR and will stay out longer than you.
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  3. Orange713

    Orange713 Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Houston, tx
    How do you like it so far
  4. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Honestly so far I really really like it. It could change but I hope not.
    I only have a small sample size so far but so far I am happy.
    hal380 and cabwrecker Thank this.
  5. Orange713

    Orange713 Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2013
    Houston, tx
    Thats great
    Deadhead75 Thanks this.
  6. poppapump1332

    poppapump1332 Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Give it time check out the other irt threads on here
  7. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    I have read thru all of them. I have been looking at them for over a year.
    Like I said it could turn bad but I hope not. As for now I like it.
  8. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Still going good. Running the Midwest hauling cream and milk. I should finish the week, thats monday at midnight, with at least 3k miles. So far I have no complaints.
    I delivered in Springfield Missouri today a load of cream and now I am deadheading to Fair oaks Indiana, 485 miles to pick up a load of milk going 185 miles to Coopersville, Michigan. All the miles are paid the same so, I dont care.
    So far so good. I am happy and I hope I stay that way.
    realsupatrucka and hal380 Thank this.
  9. Tanker_82

    Tanker_82 Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    I applied with them about a month ago. One of the women called me and said I was approved and asked if I was ready to come to orientation. I told her I had only submitted an online application but had never gotten the chance to speak with anyone about the job details yet, so she let me ask a few questions. I decided to decline the offer due to not being paid for wait time. When I asked if we were paid to sit when waiting to load/unload she said no, unfortunately you aren't, but when that happens just let dispatch know and they will make up for your lost time by giving you some higher mileage loads. I'm like you, I've read the good and the bad. Major deal breakers for me are: No passenger program, junk equipment, micromanagement, and being treated as a truck number. From everything I've heard and read, IRT has great equipment and doesn't breath down your neck about everything. I kind of regret turning down the job after reading this thread. I ended up taking an oilfield job hauling frac sand for $19 an hour with overtime, 12 hour shift, 7am-7pm, slip seating with another guy 4 days on then 2 off. The equipment is totally junk. Dash falls off going down the road, 700,000+ miles, air conditioner always going out, etc. The 7 to 7 shifts never work out the way they portrayed the job either. Seems like you either get 7 hours one day then 16 hours the next. Days off always getting screwed up too. Nothing but dirt roads, cactuses, dirty ole trucks, and fire retardant clothes.
    In my previous job I hauled flour in a pneumatic tanker for 3 years over the road. Starting to lose faith in the oil field being for me. What kind of paychecks are they giving you at IRT? Could a guy clear $1800 every 2 weeks after taxes?
    Deadhead75 and hal380 Thank this.
  10. Deadhead75

    Deadhead75 Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Axis, Al
    Yes definitely great equipment. They let me do my job. They give me loads I run them. As for the waiting, it hasn't happened to me yet but I am sure it will. I have heard it actually doesn't happen all that much but that it can happen.
    I can definitely see a driver making 800 to 900 bring home on a consistent basis. I am sure it could be more.
    Like I have said, I have just started with them but I have nothing to complain about so far and at this point wish I had came to work for them sooner.
    hal380 Thanks this.
  11. Tanker_82

    Tanker_82 Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    Do they consider part of the .37 per mile "per diem"? In other words, do they tax your entire paycheck or do they not tax a certain amount?
    hal380 Thanks this.
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