Indian River

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by chp56, Nov 6, 2014.

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  1. Jabber1990

    Jabber1990 Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Jackson, MO
    What do you think I'm kidding about?
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  3. Tanker_82

    Tanker_82 Heavy Load Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    San Antonio, TX
    If IRT had a problem with anyone idling their truck they would make it a company policy to shut the truck off and/or they would program the trucks ECM to shut the engine off once 2 to 3 minutes of idling had taken place (just like certain other carriers do). Obviously, IRT leaves it up to the driver on whether he or she idles their truck or not. If you don't and save them some money on fuel, they reward you with a few extra miles an hour. If you do (idle), that's ok too, just expect to drive a little slower in order to help the company equal out the fuel cost.
    No one said there aren't advantages to driving faster. I doubt any truck driver will ever make a statement like that lol. I said I don't care whether or not my truck runs 68 or 65. Sleeping at a comfortable temp is more important to me. If you feel differently, that's ok. We all have our own priorities and preferences. I think people get bored from being on the road sitting around in a truck all the time and they seek entertainment in trying to incite arguments on forums so that threads get locked down or closed. That's what I think. Kind of like young teenage boys seeking entertainment by vandalizing things around the neighborhood. Some people attempt to manipulate other people by leading them into a trap with words so that their buttons get pushed and they lash out. The way to deal with people like this is to kill em with kindness and don't argue with them. Eventually they will get bored from not getting the responses they wanted and they will move on.
    mr truckdriver and RoadCall Thank this.
  4. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    Living in the 1930s.
    stabob, Leftnut and RoadCall Thank this.
  5. Gazoo64

    Gazoo64 Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Fresno, CA
    If you are out of hours you are in violation no matter what the company allows. I had an e-log job, ran out of hours while unloading. No parking at customer, nearest legal place to park was 27 miles away. I drove there. In the morning my violation and e-log was all fixed and legal. Safety changed it, also not legal but at least I was.
    Spring Chicken Thanks this.
  6. d o g

    d o g Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    These Indian River threads are beginning to be more trouble than they're worth. Granted, it's just a few of you causing problems, but you're impacting everyone else who tries to share something or learn something about the company.

    Enough is enough, so let me make this just as plain as I can:

    Some of you need to learn to ignore those members that you don't like, or just ignore this thread. Otherwise, you can find another forum. If necessary, the staff will be glad to help you with that.
    Ukumfe Thanks this.
  7. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    I don't know about everybody else but anything I post is what I believe to be true. If I get banned for giving an honest opinion and for exercising my right to free speech then that's just the way it goes.

    Some people on here, members and staff alike, need to grow up a little. Trucking isn't the Cub Scouts...sometimes there are differences of opinion. Sometimes those differences get loud. Kinda like life, no?

    And if I get banned for making this statement I'll sure miss this place but if it happens I'll just consider the source.
    pusherman, stabob and RoadCall Thank this.
  8. WesternEmpire

    WesternEmpire Medium Load Member

    Oct 12, 2013
    Arcade, NY
    I'd say hand out some perma bans, but they just get back on under a new username and bicker in these threads...
    pusherman Thanks this.
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