I can confirm all of this. I ran SE Regional from North Carolina. Great load and pay going out there, but I sat in Dallas for days waiting for loads that sometimes took me to Houston to do more sitting in that rat trap they call a terminal there. Nothing but little 100-150 mile runs and on the percentage side, that paid crap. I finally left when my paychecks were averaging $200/week.
info on arrow
Discussion in 'Arrow' started by maddawg36432, Jan 25, 2007.
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hello maddawg,
In my opinion, to your original question. I would have to say, if you love to work hard,don't mind pain and don't like money. It's the job for you. Done did that, learned the hard way. But I will give Arrow kudo's. They have a good training program. Hope this helps good luck... -
Arrow, is not thriving.
Arrow, is not doing well.
Arrow, (as others have said) will be out of business soon.
Anybody who has run regional can tell you the same thing. You get crappy loads, which pay percentage. Your paychecks will only average, the one fella said his averaged 200 a week, mine were 100-175 per week. Now if you have no responsibilities, such as rent, or child support then sure it would work for you. Enjoy the junky truck you will be in. And having it worked on at their shops in Houston or Tulsa. It took me 4 days once, at Southern Tire in houston to get a tire put on a trailer. Because arrow has problems paying their bills and managing money. Guess what you are to them driver, ANOTHER BILL! They could care less if you make any money with them, as long as you haul their freight. My dad worked for a forklift company who maintained their forklifts, and he said himself there were lots of times they would call him to go out there, and he would walk up see the machine, get a phone call and have to leave. When his company would call and say they were on credit hold for 6-8 months for not paying their previous bill they owed for previous work. The equipment they give you is minimal, and almost due to be trashed. The only exceptional equipment you will get with them is the equipment they charge you for. The 2 inch straps, the cheater bar, and tarp straps. God forbid you go buy a new strap or two for yourself. If you do not have receipt, they will take it off of your truck. Be ready to buy v-boards yourself. As you will be asked to if they do not provide them and you have a load that requires them. Houston is a hell hole. You will sit there for quite a while. This is all of course if you run regional. Over the road, I am sure is not too much better. Considering the railroad is getting lots of business we used to get. I am sure most of the big wigs will watch JB Hunt and copy cat from them. Arrow is not a good company by any means. The inside of both the Tulsa and Houston office will make your stomach turn. Looks really bad. Like 10 year old had parties with coffee and other junk and just did whatever. They stink. They hire fleet managers who do drugs. Mine was fired before I left due to drugs. It was pretty bad. I would not recommend Arrow to anybody. Anybody who has run regional will tell you the same thing. Over the road may be different, but I seriously doubt it. Majority of those drivers said when I worked they, that they get one load a week maybe. And it usually wasnt a long haul either. You will sit more than you run, thats a promise. An unspoken promise Arrow has with you and all the other drivers. Hope you all understand. Anybody who has worked for Arrow, on this thread, 98% at least I am sure will say the same. -
Hey Brandon, I have been reading around the web and found things are just as bad for OTR drivers (just google "Arrow Trucking" and you'll see"). Even the OTR drivers are lucky to get over 1200 miles per week. And you are absolutely right, Tulsa terminal is a toilet, and Houston is even worse. I actually took a shower in the Houston terminal. My God.... I was scared for my life. The mildew on the wall winked at me, I swear!!
Only good thing about that circus: They did not trash my DAC. -
Yeah, I can say that too. They probably could have ran me through the ringer. I wouldnt dare take a shower at either terminal. LOL, no way in hell im putting myself in those slimeball showers. Id rather stink and have flys circling me like eagles than shower in their showers. You are much braver than I was. And yeah, i didnt figure OTR was much better. I remember one guy being all happy and stuff after sitting in Houston for a week when he got a 1000 mile load. Admitting he would probably be stuck there where he was going for a week or so. Arrow sucks bad. I am sure they will not last too much longer. 2 years maybe. Thats what I would give it.
You have both hit that nail right on the head.
1100 this week OTR.
And I am afraid to say ,....I have showered in both Terminals.
I chose not to go to Houston this trip ,but hit a truckstop,and decided to pay 10.00 even though I didn't really have it,but I would rather do that than like my trainer keeps suggesting,and taking a 2 gallon bath in the parking lot in his boxers because it's cheaper!
He's been there 19 years.
Even Carl the poster guy on their website has quit! -
Carl quit???
it blows me away people would actually make up a screen name to post on this thread...I guess some people have WAY too much time on their hands!
thats what Iheard around Tulsa. -
Wow. I wonder if he quit or if he was laid off. Course, he wasn't driving anymore, not sure what his job was other than to walk the halls and look "pretty". What about that girl who was one of the orientation trainers (the ugly one). She gone yet?
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