Intermodal at Hogan

Discussion in 'Intermodal Trucking Forum' started by ZOMBIEJOE, Mar 30, 2024.


    ZOMBIEJOE Bobtail Member

    Mar 27, 2024

    I live in Jacksonville NC and found a job listing for Intermodal with Hogan in Wilmington NC. I have 6 months of experience from Werner’s dollar general account t, but have been working at FedEx the past 3 years as a delivery driver.

    Just looking for some general information on anyone’s experience with Hogan, and Intermodal in general and at the ports. Apparently the position says home daily, but I will find out soon if that’s actually available.

    Thank you in advance.
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Your success/failure with intermodal depends on (among other things):
    • How the railyard/shipyard has their act together (or doesn't) -- with how quickly they will load your intermodal chassis -- & how quickly they will ingate/outgate you
    • How savvy your carrier (in this case, Hogan) dispatch is with your loads
    For me: the railyard I was working got more constipated with time -- & dispatch was replaced with fresh college grads located in another state who apparently though intermodal loads in the Atlanta area would for the most like delivering pizzas in a TransAm. :rolleyes:

    Unless you can talk to other Hogan drivers and find out what the true status is on the above -- I would suggest you instead build a CDL career there at FedEx -- if that is what you want.

    -- L
    ZOMBIEJOE Thanks this.

    ZOMBIEJOE Bobtail Member

    Mar 27, 2024
    Thank you, I am waiting to hear back from the contractor for FedEx linehaul, in the meantime I’ll see what I can do about asking other hogan drivers.
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