Cashing a check sent by a debtor in no way will release them from future monies owed to you. That is total BS.
"Internal audit" at CR England finds "additional wages earned" - what's up?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Moving Forward, Apr 11, 2014.
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Moving Forward Thanks this.
I absolutely hated c.r england
So I wont my little 50 or 60 buck check...for the pain and suffering
50 or 60 bucks? We got $256
please tell me more about Class Action suit / vs CRE.. is it still open?
they never sent me or their Equinox Accounting company my 1099. I leased for a couple of month in Winter / Jan- April 2012 Solo.. 2500-2800 Miles/ Week. My Weekly Check was $0.00.
I have a Master Degree and Professional Work Experience in Health Care/ 30 years WorldWide!!.
I had $0.00 Checks every Week until CRE Canceled my Lease.3-4 month later.
ihad SS retirement to live on.. otherwise I would have been Starved/ Dead in WY- ND or NY city .., But I had the Solo experience and Knowledge of My Beloved New Home USA without Sharing MY space WITH phase student drivers WHO GET training IN 10 DAYS IN IN- TX- UT or CA Terminals.
Never(listen) to Upgrade phase 1-2 Sales People of Horizon in IN/ SLC or CA Terminals. CRE Have !00 OF trucks SITTING WITH THEIR PAYMENT late. You Student for Upgrade need not to Sign lease.. you go somewhere else , become a Company Driver ASAP. (with other Company of course!)
Now CRE had reported my So called income to IRS.. I never new how much did I make a week!! With average of 2500/week Solo Miles minus lease/ Insurance, Fuel/ Tolls/ Load/Unload I paid with my Credit Card..and after mor than 3 Month.. Irouted myself to SLC, UT and before I Quit they ; CRE Terminated my Lease..
Basically I paid/ Worked for them as Slave and helped their business from Coast to Coast.. and after 3 month they sent my a last Settlement check for $555.
I am used to Traveling and Sight Seeing.. Drove allover USA.. Enjoyed Scenery and met on Truck Stops, Unloading Sites, RAIN Shine or Snow B lizard, Adventure after Adventure.. enjoyed the Film and Hated the Crock who Acted to Steal my Sweat and BNlood to make Profit for 90 + years..
Are there any Lawyer who can Stand against this CR England??
Ready to Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NavigatorWife and 6 Speed Thank this.
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