"Internal audit" at CR England finds "additional wages earned" - what's up?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Moving Forward, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. 6 Speed

    6 Speed Heavy Load Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    Cashing a check sent by a debtor in no way will release them from future monies owed to you. That is total BS.
    Moving Forward and SherylReno Thank this.
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  3. Raven_Whitefox

    Raven_Whitefox Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2013
    Cookeville, Tennessee
    Maybe not, but CRE is as big as they are for a reason, gthey have a good legal team. You cash a check like that and they can easily claim in court that x amount of people were compensated for this period and therefore it is not a widespread problem or they are now settled with the lawsuit.
    Moving Forward Thanks this.
  4. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    I absolutely hated c.r england
  5. Moving Forward

    Moving Forward Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    New England, USA
    Although I hope you're right with that statement, IMO, CRE has a number of highly questionable businesses practices so I'm not going to cash that little check until the lawyers say it's OK... because they certainly owe me a LOT more than what that check is for.
  6. dude6710

    dude6710 Road Train Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    Because you can't go 75 all day?
  7. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    So I wont my little 50 or 60 buck check...for the pain and suffering
  8. SherylReno

    SherylReno Bobtail Member

    Nov 30, 2013
    Reno, NV
    50 or 60 bucks? We got $256
  9. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    No they were the first ppl I drove for...they were a piece of ######...I only lasted there a month...then I went some where else. ..so whoever sued them Im glad they got what they deserve
  10. realsupatrucka

    realsupatrucka Road Train Member

    Sep 25, 2013
    houston tx
    Ill be waiting on that lol
  11. zamax65

    zamax65 Bobtail Member

    Apr 21, 2014
    please tell me more about Class Action suit / vs CRE.. is it still open?
    they never sent me or their Equinox Accounting company my 1099. I leased for a couple of month in Winter / Jan- April 2012 Solo.. 2500-2800 Miles/ Week. My Weekly Check was $0.00.
    I have a Master Degree and Professional Work Experience in Health Care/ 30 years WorldWide!!.
    I had $0.00 Checks every Week until CRE Canceled my Lease.3-4 month later.
    ihad SS retirement to live on.. otherwise I would have been Starved/ Dead in WY- ND or NY city .., But I had the Solo experience and Knowledge of My Beloved New Home USA without Sharing MY space WITH phase student drivers WHO GET training IN 10 DAYS IN IN- TX- UT or CA Terminals.
    Never(listen) to Upgrade phase 1-2 Sales People of Horizon in IN/ SLC or CA Terminals. CRE Have !00 OF trucks SITTING WITH THEIR PAYMENT late. You Student for Upgrade need not to Sign lease.. you go somewhere else , become a Company Driver ASAP. (with other Company of course!)
    Now CRE had reported my So called income to IRS.. I never new how much did I make a week!! With average of 2500/week Solo Miles minus lease/ Insurance, Fuel/ Tolls/ Load/Unload I paid with my Credit Card..and after mor than 3 Month.. Irouted myself to SLC, UT and before I Quit they ; CRE Terminated my Lease..
    Basically I paid/ Worked for them as Slave and helped their business from Coast to Coast.. and after 3 month they sent my a last Settlement check for $555.
    I am used to Traveling and Sight Seeing.. Drove allover USA.. Enjoyed Scenery and met on Truck Stops, Unloading Sites, RAIN Shine or Snow B lizard, Adventure after Adventure.. enjoyed the Film and Hated the Crock who Acted to Steal my Sweat and BNlood to make Profit for 90 + years..
    Are there any Lawyer who can Stand against this CR England??
    Ready to Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NavigatorWife and 6 Speed Thank this.
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