If you look back at my post #14, you'll find the name of our current case and the law firm's contact information. Although I think it's too late to join our suit, they might be able to offer some assistance and/or guidance.
"Internal audit" at CR England finds "additional wages earned" - what's up?
Discussion in 'CR England' started by Moving Forward, Apr 11, 2014.
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I just spoke with CRE's payroll and asked what this check was for and they said there was additional wages earned while he was driving as a company driver. I asked her if it had anything to do with Orientation and she said no.
this is an outrage!
Moving Forward Thanks this.
In addition, with regard to the lawsuit itself, it sounds like things are going quite well and this has indeed turned into what sounds like a very LARGE class. When I asked him if other people could still join the class, although one deadline has past, he said that any interested parties should just contact his office to discuss the options in more detail.
nofilter Thanks this. -
It seems like this Class Action lawsuit against CRE has been pretty quiet lately, so I hope that means the attorneys are busy reviewing what must be tens of thoousands of files. With a little luck, CRE will take a major financial hit from this case. I guess all we can do is wait...
Im still waiting on my check in the mail lol
6 Speed, Moving Forward and nofilter Thank this.
I hope you're right about that, although I'm not sure $7,000,000 will be a large enough hit on CRE's wallet to get them to change and treat their drivers better. However, as they say, time will tell.
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