It's been very quiet in the KLLM forum

Discussion in 'KLLM' started by bloke, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. bloke

    bloke Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    That must be a good sign right?
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  3. RoadToad69

    RoadToad69 Mistress of Mayhem

    Sep 20, 2007
    BFE, TX
    As for me, myself and I, my truck was in the shop. Took it to Freightliner this time so, hopefully, it is *really* fixed.
    Picking up a load of Monster drinks and rolling east. Will try to post tonight now that I have a wireless modem and don't have to rely on WiFi.

    wayneplatek Thanks this.
  4. bloke

    bloke Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    thats wot i've been checkin into for when im away, i think im just gonna buy a flash cell fone and tether it but i always struggle with technical stuff : (
  5. slimgoody

    slimgoody Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    kllm messed up a friend of mines dac, the man denied a pre-plan due too very low miles during that week, kllm sent him a pre-plan that dropped after the weekly pay period, he had only 900 miles for the week, all he asked was for them to give him at least 600 more miles as this would help him with living expenses while out over the road, his request was denied, he was told (you're not going too get 3000 miles every week) so they took load off, and tried to give another pre-plan that dropped the same date as previous pre-plan, again he denied the load, so he called the company and informed them that he was going to drive there truck to there yard, which was in Fontana Ca, he drove from Salt Lake City Ut,to this yard cleaned his truck out, and they put vehicle abandonment on his DAC, Which I don't know how he can get that fixed. So if anyone is planning to leave a trucking company do it once you have your hometime. Does anyone know how to get negative info off your DAC?
  6. leannamarie

    leannamarie "California Girl"

    Just got some bad news from my hubby on the KLLM front. They are stopping their 401K match, although they are saying it is a temporary thing while times are hard. That is too bad, free money is always a good thing.
  7. gearjammer-2000

    gearjammer-2000 <strong>Clutch User</strong>

    Dec 18, 2007
    columbus Ohio
    I wouldn't consider it "free" money as it probably was in the contract he signed,

    isn't it wonderful that a company can change the terms any time the want but a driver tries something like that you are through probably int the trucking industry as they have DAC to destroy you with.
  8. bloke

    bloke Light Load Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    thats a shame! the 401k is one of the main reasons i chose KLLM
  9. leannamarie

    leannamarie "California Girl"

    Hopefully it is just a temporary thing.
  10. Papa T

    Papa T Light Load Member

    Sep 28, 2008
    Desperate Hot Springs, CA
    Please keep the KLLM info flowing........... I am to start the orientation in Fontuckey the first week of Feb.
    My fingers have been crossed so long it will take a week to get them uncramped.
  11. simpleinterest

    simpleinterest Light Load Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Spartanburg, SC
    RT69, I have read conflicting posts regarding KLLM hiring/not hiring. Hoping you may know the facts. I am located in the Charlotte NC area and starting school tomorrow. I know a lot could change between now and the end of Feb but hoping KLLM will have room. Thanks!
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