It's been very quiet in the KLLM forum

Discussion in 'KLLM' started by bloke, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. desperado75

    desperado75 Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    If your a lease driver you pay for the inverter thier shop puts it in and your own fridge. Im company side i never asked for an inverter..js
    BlueThunderr Thanks this.
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  3. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Maryland is not too big. IF a truck did stop and actually deliver something it's going to be either in Jessup or over in Landover area.

    I remember KLLM from way back. Generally in those days they were a Cabover Fleet and not attractive at that time to run for that reason. I was hiring on to companies that offered conventional, airride and less lumping in those days. Working smarter, not harder.
  4. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    How long have you been with them for, and what kind of miles are you getting per week ?
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