Olympus Partners just purchased Superior, with Heniff! If any of you have signed up for Superior Bulk Logistics email, you have received this email already. I don't know how to 'attach' things on this forum, if anyone knows how to do that, and got the email, please post. So, what will Superior be, Heniff? Still SPCR? Guess we'll know by 2nd week of Jan. However, from the email, it says we will run separately for the 'immediate future'. Guessing by the end of next year things will change? They said the only change will be in dispatch, tank washing, and a few other minimal things. But, managers, terminals will all remain the same(both companies).
It's official!
Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by yankatank, Dec 19, 2019.
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Ugh! Another equity fund swallowing up struggling truck company! That sucks!
It's going to be interesting to see what happens at Kingsport. Heniff and Superior each have a terminal there, right next to each other
just_sayin and laaylor Thank this. -
I remember a dispatcher and office girl who moved from Superior to Hennif in 2008 or so. Took some business with them I was told. Likely some bad blood there.scythe08 Thanks this. -
kemosabi49 Thanks this.
yankatank Thanks this.
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