We used to get some 190 proof out of Mexico back in the late 1970s, I don't remember how it was branded. I just know it messed us all up. With the possible exception of a first run, I don't think even some of the best mtn shine is close to that proof. At 66 knowing what I know about how finicky alcohol can be temperature-wise at those levels today I would not go near it.
People sometimes call Sheriffs corrupt when they let some moonshiners by years ago. I spoke to an old retired deputy sheriff in my hometown I have known all my life many years ago. He told me they knew it was not possible to totally rid the area of illegal stills. If a shiner was making good liquor and not poison they would rather let him go than take a chance of arresting him and have somebody that doesn't know what they are doing make poison in his place. I have heard that even the famous Buford Pusser would generally let them alone if they did not make poison and were not part of the Stateline gang he was fighting. In the first Walking Tall movie Pusser on his first day as Sheriff was called down to Mississippi because several were dead or in the process because somebody stupidly sold them poison. My understanding is that happened but not totally as depicted.
Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Moose1958, May 14, 2024.
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hope not dumb twucker and Numb Thank this.
My father was a forest ranger .
A lot of the locals would put their still on the state park land so it wouldn’t be on their own land .
he always just pretended he didn’t see it .
this was in the same area where they filmed Deliverance , my older brother went to school with the banjo boy ,
and in the late 60s and early 70s before food stamps and unemployment and welfare and all the other govt programs .
you either figured out how to make money or your family went hungry .
he knew who each still belonged to and knew they had no other way to make any money.hope not dumb twucker and Chinatown Thank this. -
This happened to me. Yesterday, I had an appointment with one of my Doctors, who ordered lab blood and urine testing.
This is my urine results. 3rd panel on the left! Notice everything else is generally OK.
Now look at my A1C!
If you are taking Empagliflozin/Jardiance or Synjardy I highly suggest taking your RX with you to show the person doing the physical.hope not dumb twucker Thanks this. -
I take trulicity. I like it. But I know soon I’ll have to go to something else. Some of the ones people are taking I’m trying to avoid. Mainly the peeing out sugar, that’s how yeast infections start. Not good feeling if you know you know. And being on the road not a good idea. I would almost rather have insulin than one of those. But that’s a whole other can of worms. With the dot med card examiner.
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