Jbs carriers

Discussion in 'JBS Trucking' started by PATRlOTSTkASTAND, Oct 31, 2011.


    PATRlOTSTkASTAND Bobtail Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    If you go to JBS stay OTR do not take offer from Clay Jones @ Pittsburg for Dedicated Driver UNLESS you want to sit the majority of the time, drive junk equiptment and be misled(polite word for lied to) the offer of 45cents per mile is inviting but then you get the reality of it:biggrin_25523:You will be lucky if you ever drive your 11 hrs and not run out of your 14 instead and that is on a consistant basis, if you disagree or sound displeased with anything you will be taken as rude or mad. Then if you quit you will be reported as *refused to take drug test* then the fun begins, I was made to wait 4.5 hrs and being told *Something local I want you to take care of* Being a driver, under the assumption it was a needed load hauled locally, my 500 mile trip was given away, then after all that time I was told I had to take a surprise drug test, no problem until you have to wait another hour to find out they were told that the nurse giving it did not know when she would appear at the center and had made the JBS rep aware of this, after wasting yet another hour and tired of not being paid for always waiting around and a heated discussion with Mr.Jones I told him I would go where I could run and came and cleaned out my truck, something that was not done before I got in it, or the other I got intobe after my piece of junk broke down, and the other was with no elec in the sleeper ie no fridg, tv anything. I went to the office resigned then recieved a call from Greeley that I was fired(lol) 2 days later and that they consider me to have refused a drug test, I have requested the form I filled out for Mr.Jones on my departure stating the reasons I was quitting. 2 weeks later I have yet to get one single reply. Now have to seek legal action because I did NOTrefuse anything and would gladly take any drug test for anyone. Still no word from Anyone at JBS (Imagine that) now have to call some Drug counselor and seek legal action
    comcheck Thanks this.
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  3. comcheck

    comcheck Bobtail Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Colorado Springs,CO
    I decided to go with them and I haven't sat at all I'm rolling all the time. I think you were #####in too much and they wanted you to go away. they said you rufused a bunch of loads too.
    Spooner Thanks this.
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