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  1. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
    My wife and I arrived at the motel for orentation at John Christner Tucking today. Start the program tomorrow. Will let everyone know how it goes
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  3. badcompany

    badcompany Heavy Load Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    good luck keep the updates coming
    sonic50 Thanks this.
  4. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    Beware. My wife and I just left there. The company is just to small to run teams. They keep the teams on one run between riverside, ca and fl. However you do a lot of sitting and on many occasions do one run a week. Their dispatchers are not proficient enough to run teams. Beware, BEware, BEWARE, of office politics there. Once again, it is a small company and most of the employees in the office are related. We found out the hard way. They have also gone the way of seat fillers. Notice the size of their orientation every week while you are there. Because they now have a high turn over rate, the lease policy has changed. When you race against 30 other people in orientation to pick out your truck once you do they no longer let you trade it in later for a better one. It is yours to keep for two years. The good thing is the walk away lease program, the bad thing is you will end up using it. They only have a few teams for a reason. Please take my experience as a way of helping you not loose money. Lesson learned. Stay with the bigger companies if you are a team.
    Under Taker and digger_423 Thank this.
  5. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    I just wanted to add to my previous post. When we did finally leave a JCT they did continue to pay us for what we earned, and then some. The final two weeks we were there they did not charge us our lease payment. However on that note, another friend of ours had quit a month ago and they are still charging him his lease payment as if he still worked there. I believe once again that this is due to the major lack of communication and just plain not give a s@#& in the office. I know this all sounds like another disgruntled driver, but since you are in orientation take note to the way the rush you thru and give you 15min to pick out your truck and go over it. After you pick your truck on wednesday please post back on here and tell me if you think the experience was strange. Good luck!
    rickway65 Thanks this.
  6. firstgear

    firstgear Light Load Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Did they do away with company drivers? Lease only now?:biggrin_2554:
  7. pawpaw

    pawpaw Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Milan, NM
    Yes, quite awhile ago from my understanding.
  8. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    Yes, it is lease only. However on their plan it is absolutely no different than being a company driver except you pay the truck and fuel, you have no insurance, and it is forced dispatch. They also tell you what days you may take off and when. Our experience was much different than from what we were told and what we expected.
  9. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
    Well I am now worried I did the wrong thing. The first day is over. We did our physicals and road test. We quit a job to come here. After reading Chompi's posts, I am really worried. Another friend of mine came here 3weeks ago, and they have run him all over. He is loving all the miles. We drove our personal vehicale from home. They paid all of our expenses, motel, food, and fuel. No questions asked. I am going solo for 6 weeks, then the wife is comming aboard
  10. badcompany

    badcompany Heavy Load Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    ive found out a lot of your success relies on the dispatcher you get...that being said one guy might have a terrible time with one disp while you might get all the miles you want and then some with another
  11. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
    I thought I had this company pretty much researched. Everytime I saw a JCT driver at a truck stop or a pickup or delivery, I would talk to them and get thier opinion of the company. Everyone I talked to, including a couple of teams, had nothing but praise for JCT. The only complaint was they have too much freight,and not enough drivers.

    This is day two, will report back
    rickway65 and digger_423 Thank this.
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