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  1. bigorangefan9999

    bigorangefan9999 Light Load Member

    May 27, 2007
    Question for LMB or any other JCT driver. What type of home time due you generally get with JCT> I live in middle TN, and have been approved by JCT, and kinda curious about hometime and ofcourse the bottom dollar.
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  3. JohnJr05

    JohnJr05 Bobtail Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    cross plains, tn
    Just a warning. I worked at JCT for about 9 months. Never had a problem making money, but getting home was the problem. The straw that broke the camels back was when they sat me in cali for three days and mised my childs surgry. Now thats not the part that really got me. After that i put in my two week notice, and set up my home time to clean out my truck. Got me there for that( a day late) and then tryed to disp me on a load going the other dirction from the yard. I politly, and properly turned it down, put my own money into the tanks and bobtailed to the yard. Turned in truck, all equipment, and nicely went in and said my good buys. Now I find out that they put on my DAC that I quite under a load??????????? So now I must pay to have that fixed. So be carfull
  4. JohnJr05

    JohnJr05 Bobtail Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    cross plains, tn

    Check my last post about JCT. I'm from Cross Plains TN!

    STICK HAULER Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    applied to jct was called today by recruiter, everything was good to go except they are in ahiring freeze for nc, right now,so good of them to do that, instead of hiring then telling me you may not get home for a while, am to reapply in spring, so that says something positive for them, unuasual,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good luck lmb,,, keep the post coming in,,,,
  6. bigorangefan9999

    bigorangefan9999 Light Load Member

    May 27, 2007
    I got my approval today, just making sure this is the right company for me. I was also excepted by TransAm and Earl Henderson.
  7. woofless

    woofless Light Load Member

    May 24, 2008
    Armour, SD
    Just figured I'd chime in....we don't work for them but here are our experiences.

    My husband & I wanted to get on with JCT....he really, really wants to own his own truck. I support his dreams even though some folks try to discourage him. But I am wary of "lease purchase" programs. Yet, I told him...."Talk to at least 100 of their drivers....get a wide variety of opinions, meanwhile I'll do research on the Internet."

    I gotta say, 95% of the drivers he spoke with (he has literally spoken with over 100 JCT drivers in the past year) expressed their happiness with the company. Much of what I read online was positive. Few, if any, complaints from the drivers. Often times during the CB conversations we'd also get the input from a "disgruntled" JCT driver who no longer worked there. Biggest "complaints" were either "late getting home" or stuff that basically sounded like somebody got a little big-headed about all those big paychecks & spent too much money on "goodies" for the truck.

    Anyway....two things. If you have MORE THAN ONE PET....they will not hire you. Their pet weight limit is 40 lbs, one pet only. If you have 2 dogs whose total weight is 30 lbs (we do), they still will not hire you. They indirectly suggested that somehow, we were less than superior drivers because we'd rather keep our dogs, than get a job. Sorry, but I don't abandon "family members" for ANY job. That got ME a little miffed....not only were we a team that had, at the time, been on the road for FOUR CONSECUTIVE MONTHS without any hometime, but we could provide two stellar references from prior employers that our truck was SPOTLESS & CLEAN when we left, despite having two small dogs. Supposedly, there are current employees who have 2 dogs in their truck and they look the other way....but getting your "foot in the door" with 2 pets seems unlikely.

    Then, I decided to come off the road & my husband was going to go solo with JCT. But, he got his hopes shut down when they told us they would not hire out of South Dakota, even though we are within 50 miles of Sioux City & Sioux Falls, both places have meat packing houses that do a LOT of business with JCT. We live 2 miles off the Nebraska border. But they refused to budge. If we lived 2 miles south, in Nebraska, they would have no problem hiring us....kinda stupid The recruiter lady on the phone was pretty abrupt & rude and refused to listen to reason. Really, really disappointed my husband.

    But...if you have no pets, and live somewhere "acceptable"....they seem to be a decent company from the research we have done. Too bad they have to do everything "by the book" and can't even consider applicants on a case-by-case basis and judge us based on merits, not pets & being 2 miles on the wrong side of a state's border. Yeah, I'm a little bitter. :biggrin_2553:
    boone315 and copperfloor Thank this.
  8. LandShark

    LandShark Road Train Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Riverdale, Ga
    I live in the Atlanta Ga. area I have been hired by JCT and am to start in the new year.
    I have copies of the lease agreement the contract, fuel surcharge program and what they call a Performa sheet that is in excel format I edited the performa sheet so that it will automaticaly update when you change a figure in the format. If you are interest in seeing this info I will be more than happy to forward it to you.
    justamap Thanks this.
  9. LMB

    LMB "Olde Goat"

    Aug 12, 2007
    Rocky Point NC
    Well My wife and I drove our own vehicle to orientation, we asked them to let us bring it home. So our first trip was to Phoenix,then they dispacthed us from Wilcox AZ to Black Mtn NC with a stop off at the terminal to pick up our vehicle. I followed my wife to NC. I delivered our first stop at Black Mtn NC, Came home To Wilmington to pick up my wife, spent two days at the house,we then went on to finish the load in Chester NY. I then asked to have my wife get off the truck for Christmas, and have her home around the 10th of Dec. We got home the 12th. I am going to run by myself till the 24th. I will be home for Christmas. We will both return to work the 28th. Now granted we both worked Thanksgiving, but we did not mind, besides they paid everyon who worked an extra 20 cents a mile. I think that sounds like a good company to work for in my opinion. I do know for a fact that they wil get you home for an emerengcy, even if they have to fly you home.
    As far as animals, I am an avid dog and cat lover,BUT, If it comes to making a living for my family and paying my bills, or taking my large dogs down the road with me, I think my obligations to my wife and children would come first
  10. bigorangefan9999

    bigorangefan9999 Light Load Member

    May 27, 2007
    LandShark I sent you a private message...thank you
  11. LandShark

    LandShark Road Train Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Riverdale, Ga
    bigorange email
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
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