Just Got Hired on With Central out of Jurupa Valley - Going With Trainer This Monday!

Discussion in 'Central Refrigerated' started by GenericUserName, May 17, 2014.

  1. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
    Oh yea, bring ear plugs and one of those sleeping blind folds. It's hard work to sleep in a moving vehicle, especially with someone you don't know behind the wheel. I had a hard time sleeping for those 6 weeks. Plus earplugs are hard to find in truck stops, you'd think they'd be sold at everyone, but nope, it's kind of odd. If you don't have earplugs, I found that wadding up pieces of tissue and putting those in your ears worked as well, just not 100% noise reduction though.
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  3. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
    And another thing, when cleaning the bugs off the windshield in the fuel isle, open the hood and stand on the tires... it's a lot easier... lol I don't know why it took for me to be fueling up one day in South Carolina and look over and see this old timer trucker with his hood open and he's standing on the tires cleaning his windshield, to finally come to my senses and be like "Oh wow, that's a lot easier than what I've been doing." *Smack myself on the forehead*
    GenericUserName Thanks this.
  4. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
    You're trainer will also be paying for scales out of pocket and then submitting them in for reinbursement on his Transflos. This will create the illusion that this is how you're supposed to do it as well, it's not, company drivers can use their comdata card which will charge the company direct for the scales. Don't do like I did and start paying for scales out of pocket when you get on your own. It's hard enough already to get reinbursed for anything, let alone chasing those down to get your money back.

    As far as trailer washouts, try to use blue beacons and wherever else we have accounts out of, it makes the process easier, just go in and fill out a little paperwork and you're done. Otherwise you gotta go through the whole company advance BS to get loaded on your comdata card, then you have to go and take that money and get it transferred to your comcheck that you write out to the company who's washing you out. It's time consuming, and you're freaking out the whole time making sure you did it right so that you don't get charged money from the company later on for the advance.

    Also your trainer doesn't have to follow fuel routes from the company, so he probably won't tell you about all that, and you wouldn't know enough to ask. When you're out on your own, you'll have a fuel route you'll have to follow. Most of the time they place your next fuel stop about 400 miles away, which is fine, it's what you should drive each day anyways, so it works out perfect to wake up in the morning, use the shower point from the fuel up the night before, then drive all day to your next fuel location and fill up again, giving yourself another shower point for the next morning. If you can't make the fuel stop but would still like your shower point for wherever you do decide to stop that night? No problem, ask dispatch to open you up for an emergency 50 gallons at wherever it is that you decided to stop. This won't pump 50 gallons though, it will only pump 48 or so, but you need 50 for a shower point, no problem again, you'll be hauling refers, so always add in on that request that you need to fill the refer as well, that will get you the extra gallons to be above 50 so you get a shower point.
    GenericUserName Thanks this.
  5. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
  6. Buckeye91

    Buckeye91 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2011
    Midwest, USA
    Anyone know if swift is taking out inverters in central drivers trucks that were put in pre transition? I only go in a central terminal once in awhile. And I doubt they'll mess with it. But there may be one time I have to go to a swift terminal but I doubt it. And then on two weeks I'll be going to wvc.
  7. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
    I've heard rumors they were, but I don't know for sure. Safe bet to just remove it when going into the terminal, then replace it after you leave.
    Buckeye91 Thanks this.
  8. Clyde07

    Clyde07 Heavy Load Member

    May 28, 2013
    Hey Trygg, is it safe to say you're not really a recruiter?
  9. Trygg

    Trygg Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    The West
    No, the boogyman will eat you in your sleep if you say that, so no, it's not safe.
    slick14 Thanks this.
  10. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Sorry you're so short.

    I'm lucky. I can reach without climbing up.
  11. GenericUserName

    GenericUserName Road Train Member

    May 17, 2014
    Santa Monica, CA
    Update: its my 7th day out with my trainer and the first couple days were terrible. But ive learned to adjust and its not so bad. We got a load going to my hometown so might get to see the family which is a blessing.

    Surprisingly enough ive been sleeping like a baby. First night ive had trouble sleeping and ever since the second i just knock out soon as my head hits the pillow.
    Lady K and TigerBait Thank this.
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