Just Got Hired on With Central out of Jurupa Valley - Going With Trainer This Monday!

Discussion in 'Central Refrigerated' started by GenericUserName, May 17, 2014.

  1. TigerBait

    TigerBait Light Load Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Hiram, Ga
    Hang in their! I'm starting June 9th I can't wait.
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  3. tangerineGT

    tangerineGT Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    Red Lion , PA

    3 weeks since he went to his home town ??????
    hmmmm ............
  4. GenericUserName

    GenericUserName Road Train Member

    May 17, 2014
    Santa Monica, CA
    Working with a different company now who offers better pay and more home time. I also have a name now, not an employee #. Not to mention my teammate/trainer (when im done training hell be my teammate) is my age and has more in common. Unlike the last guy who was literally 400+lbs, from the republic of tonga couldn't speak of word of English and was a greedy OO who didnt teach me a ####### thing about this industry except how to eat like i work in it.
    In south san fransisco, delivering load to shaboya, wi
    tangerineGT and Lady K Thank this.

    DYRELL Bobtail Member

    Jun 21, 2014
    Chesapeake, VA
    I hope the new job is working out better. How's it going?

    My son is getting his CDL in 3 weeks and a friend of ours is at Central, (an old salt, owner operator) so my son was considering it- but sounds like it might be tough for a new driver to "manage the management" ;).

    Just curious.... What is the new company you found? Are they national? We are in Virginia.
  6. GenericUserName

    GenericUserName Road Train Member

    May 17, 2014
    Santa Monica, CA
    Your son will be fine. I actually failed to disclose something to swift(central) and it came back to bite me. They are a good starter company and will train your son right for his new career.
  7. tangerineGT

    tangerineGT Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2013
    Red Lion , PA
    It is exactly what everyone call it a "starter company" no more no less. Well it could be more I guess . All depends on how ya look at it .
    Tell him to get through training , get some experience in and then get on a dedicated fleet . On dedicated you make more and get more miles ....
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