Just received an offer today at my interview

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by mwehrle, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    I'm a newbie --no cdl. Had an interview at a brand new ODFL terminal 3 miles from my house today for a dock worker position. They offered it to me. It's part-time 30 hours a week paying $20.00/hour. Initially it would be a pay cut for me, but a foot in the door. They need P&D drivers so it's probably only a matter of time before they send me to their CDL school down in Salt Lake City. Terminal manager said it could be 3 months or maybe longer just depending. How many years back do they go when checking your MVR? I had a pretty lousy driving record when I was 21 but I'm 42 now, so I would think that I would be ok.

    I want to be home every night so LTL is what I am after. Should I take the dock position?
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  3. shogun

    shogun Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Doing a regen
    3 years for traffic citations, five years for DUI on the NCIC database. Since you don’t have a cdl, you will be fine. Go to your state dmv online and spend the $10 or so for a copy of your record then you will know what they will see on a check.
  4. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    If that's all the further they go back I'm not worried. I think the only thing I've had within the past 3 years is one HOV lane violation. I try my best to keep a clean driving record if for no other reason than to keep my insurance low.
  5. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    I'm a newbie --no cdl. Had an interview at a brand new ODFL terminal 3 miles from my house today for a dock worker position. They offered it to me. It's part-time 30 hours a week paying $20.00/hour. Initially it would be a pay cut for me, but a foot in the door. They need P&D drivers so it's probably only a matter of time before they send me to their CDL school down in Salt Lake City. Terminal manager said it could be 3 months or maybe longer just depending. How many years back do they go when checking your MVR? I had a pretty lousy driving record when I was 21 but I'm 42 now, so I would think that I would be ok.

    I want to be home every night so LTL is what I am after. Should I take the dock position?
    Lepton1 Thanks this.
  6. shogun

    shogun Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2009
    Doing a regen
    Utah has their MVR available online just so you can make sure your application is true to the best of your knowledge. The ODFL application should ask for your driving history and accident history for a specific time frame.
  7. HalpinUout

    HalpinUout Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    @blairandgretchen used to work for them, he can give you the answers your looking for.
    Dan.S Thanks this.
  8. Emgee

    Emgee Light Load Member

    Feb 4, 2018
    Rohnert Park, CA
    You're fine with the MVR.. I got my CDL in 2005.. before that on my MVR is a mess, no points.. but its colorful with different violations.. after 2005 its spotless.. I'd say maybe 5-10 years max.
    Dan.S Thanks this.
  9. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    That's how I got started driving, and how my sister got started. Get the foot in the door and go from there. I started off local, and my sis started off loading planes at FedEx. They had a driving job that was posted on the employee board and I told her to apply for it. They took care of everything. All she does is take 2 trailers to load from Amazon to the airport a day. Gravy job.
    Toomanybikes, Lepton1 and Dan.S Thank this.
  10. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    Nice! Thanks for sharing what your own experience has been!
  11. Mooseontheloose

    Mooseontheloose Light Load Member

    May 25, 2014
    St Louis, Metro East
    Concerning the 20 year old past, from my experience, a lot of companies only go back 3 years. So you should be in the clear. I was nervous about some 20 year old indiscretion and didn’t want to always be looking over my shoulder so I mentioned it to HR and was told not to worry about it.
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