Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TruckerPete1990, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. BDRyan92

    BDRyan92 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    I’ve been here a month. First 2 paychecks wasn’t very good. 3rd one evened out and was real good. My truck went down so I’m having an engine swap done right now. My advice is make sure you can get good fuel mileage. My truck was sucking fuel and it really affected my check. We get fuel discounts but it’s not as good as the company I left to come here for. You gotta get the cheapest fuel you can or your check will reflect it. They have run me to death. I’ve waited maybe twice. Only because I got there to early. If you’re lazy you won’t make money here. You’ve got to run
    Speed_Drums and TruckerPete1990 Thank this.
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  3. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Couldn't say it better myself MPG is everything. Honestly i dont mind the waiting i love 24 hour layovers i get easy $400 lol
  4. BDRyan92

    BDRyan92 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    DCDB0E43-8C10-4660-80FC-B3FB95B8256B.jpeg I like how if you hurry and get there. Then wait for an appointment they pay the $400 because I didn’t run 175 miles that day. I’ve got that a few times. Got one on Jan 9th
  5. peabody747

    peabody747 Light Load Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    even dedicated how can you work for under 2 bucks a mile, that's crazy low
  6. BDRyan92

    BDRyan92 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    I mean we get 1.60 plus fuel. Fuel has been .39-.41. If you get 3 a mile loaded like my last company. They take 24%. That’s 2.28. Plus I maintained trailer and paid payments on it. I also paid my own tolls. I also had to pay for ELD. I don’t pay tolls here. I don’t pay for ELD. I pay for truck insurance and fuel. My last check was $4200 with my truck getting 4.8 mpg. If 4200 a week isn’t good enough for you after expenses then post up paychecks and I’ll come where you’re at. And the work here has been consistent every week. I get my next load sent to me the day before I deliver the load that’s on my back. Running 550-700 miles a day isn’t something I like but you can make steady money here year round. I’ve been under a flatbed for the last 5 years with the ups and downs.
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
  7. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Depends on how u work ur truck and how much u wanna work. I Make just as much money as i did running a load board as i do here. The upside i dont care about going to dead areas cuz i get paid to go back. Unless u have a super high truck payment u can Easily make it and still bank money... I've been off for 3 weeks and im not in a rush to get back. 2 weeks i was off due to wife being sick and then i got sick. Then almost a week waiting on a dam $95 part. So Yes you can still make money and no its not low. If it was "low" then my family would be homeless as im the only one that works for a family of 4...
  8. guario1234

    guario1234 Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2022
    How can you run that amount of miles this is my second week and I was happy because I did around 500 miles a day.
  9. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Run ur full shift its easy to do at night time. You could technically log about 850-900 depending when u start ur day. If u start at midnight stop at 11am 700 miles and another 250-300 before the next night.
    Most of my shifts sleep for the 10 and not a min over and go.
  10. BDRyan92

    BDRyan92 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    I can run 700 miles in a day fairly easy. Just get up and drive. I don’t stop for much of anything. All those miles I posted was ran in oneday. Arkansas to PA. Local PA delivery. Then a run to Jersey. Back to PA then back to Arkansas.
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