Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TruckerPete1990, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. roadrunnerrey

    roadrunnerrey Bobtail Member

    Apr 12, 2022
    Anyone running from Alabama?
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  3. jmluke1

    jmluke1 Bobtail Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    I thought Marijuana was legal.
  4. bigdad7

    bigdad7 Road Train Member

    Jun 6, 2010
    Not for truck.drivers
    TruckerPete1990 Thanks this.
  5. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Last thing we need is high truckers out here lol
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
  6. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Well the Midwest fleet went up another $.05 now $1.65 on the rate and up $.03 now $ on the retention/ safety bonus. So total rate with FSC is $2.29 all miles this week. Next week prob be $2.30-$2.35 with how much fuel is going up
    LTLdreamin and Speed_Drums Thank this.
  7. kevinright2026

    kevinright2026 Bobtail Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    morrisville pa

    Hey Pete, I don’t know if you’re the guy was CLR I read through some of the post year I actually technically from what I thought was hire. Chuck called me left me a voicemail message and asked me to call one of the HR girls which I spoke to the next day to set up my drug screening and hair follicle next thing she says that my packet was closed and I would have to speak to Chuck…

    well, it’s been a week I’ve left multiple voicemail messages for Chuck. Sometimes his voicemail is full and I can’t get a hold of him and he for some reason woman not return my calls is there a corporate number or office number? I could get a hold of somebody.
  8. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    I would shoot Chuck a text be easier than calling. Did you have something come up in the background?
  9. kevinright2026

    kevinright2026 Bobtail Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    morrisville pa
    Hey thanks for the reply Pete I finally got ahold of him and we got everything worked I took the drug test and everything Either next week or the following week I'm taking orientation in Allentown I'll be working out of Pottsville

    Hope I make more money than I'm doing now on the spot market running flatbedRates are about a $1.60 to $2 a mile out of Pennsylvania if you're lucky right now And fuel is killing me.....

    When I was doing reefer Spot market Last year I pulled a bunch of loads out of Pottsville they were well paying local $2000 loads going over to New Jersey I'm hoping the same is said for working under CRL.
    TruckerPete1990 Thanks this.
  10. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Glad to hear it. What rate did they give you?
  11. TruckerPete1990

    TruckerPete1990 Road Train Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Bentonville Arkansas
    Figured ill add a bad with the good. Was super close to just quitting over some BS tyson pulled.. one of my biggest issues is when i get lied to. So here how it went down. Was set for home time on the 21th. I Was planned 3 loads out and i already knew it would be a tight load and my load going home didnt have an appointment time for the 1st drop. So i asked for a More direct load so i can get home on time as i had 2 doctor appoints the 22nd.. So CRL kicked that load back and set me for another one. Tyson then Sent the same load and said its a 0600 Deliver and was 340 miles from home which was a relay so not too big of a deal. I Had 10 mins to spare on my drive by the time i got to the first drop. Got there around 0500 they open at 0600. I Waited till 0615 to check in so im not rushing them soon as they come in. He goes i don't have any trucks today and without a Delivery number i cant even unload you. Right there and then my blood starts boiling cuz i knew tyson lied about the appoint. Dispatch emails Tyson this went back and forth till 1530 just to get my deliver number. So called the customer and asked hey whats the appoint time on this? She told me just come on in. Get there and first guy was like i gave Tyson that number at 1000 but i knew you left and went to the truck stop. I Said yeah didnt wanna block ur dock after 2 hours i felt that was right move. So i asked him was this load every scheduled for Delivery? He said nope thats why they never had that delivery number. I Explained well im trying to get home and he unloaded me in 15 mins for 8 pallets. Nice guy and wasnt his fault. We talked a little bit and on my way i went.
    Now around noon i called my doctors and just reschedule my appoint but couldn't get in till the 28th now due to holiday. Not happy one bit but i need to get this done. I Was so prepared by 1600 just to say screw it and bring the loaded trailer to Springdale drop it and tell em i quit if they don't like it. My dispatcher is great and normally home time isn't an issue. Honestly in almost 3 years i've been home on time maybe 5 times but i hardly put a stink up because i dont really plan much on hometime.
    My blood was boiling the whole day and slept maybe 2 hours in the whole 30 something hours.. Was so tired i just slept at the yard instead of driving 50 mins home and left in the morning. I Will say this Tyson loves to use EVERY dang min every time i go home they make it seem like that extra 10 mins they gonna get from you is really worth it. Do i blame CRL meh no so much but i waited 22 hours in Olathe which is 3 1/2 hours from home just to run to IA then to MO then AR. Why couldn't you just give me a more direct load from Olathe down to the house and got me in a half day early? Now im not leaving till tuesday night because i got my doctors monday...
    Speed_Drums Thanks this.
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