Keep away from KLLM! You've been warned!

Discussion in 'KLLM' started by gdarkhorse, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. gdarkhorse

    gdarkhorse Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    All I can say is keep away from KLLM! They will rip you off any way they can!
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  3. losttrucker

    losttrucker Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    Well Ill Be!! I am just so blown away by the FACTS of your argument; I dont know what to do with myself!!
  4. Trucail

    Trucail Medium Load Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Seattle, WA
    The actually reasoning would be nice. It is a forum.
  5. lucky07

    lucky07 Light Load Member

    Jan 15, 2012
    Ottawa, ON
    whatever you do just DO NOT PANIC !
    losttrucker Thanks this.
  6. losttrucker

    losttrucker Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    I done did!! Now what??
    Leftlane101 Thanks this.
  7. RevKev

    RevKev Medium Load Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    Decatur, AL
    Crap! Looks like you're gonna have to......*gulp*...unpanic!!
    bigmikectn Thanks this.
  8. pokerhound67

    pokerhound67 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    dont believe what gdark says! all i can say is he will lie every chance he gets...YOUVE BEEN WARNED. lol.

    seriously gdark. empty warning about how bad a company is with no info to back it up only makes you look bad, not them. i certainly believe there are bad companies out there...people who are in the business to rip off as many as possible. but there are also disgruntled drivers who did a bad job with their company in one way or another (or several ways) and then take any opportunity they can to bash said company. and a bash with no explanation makes it sound like you may just be one of those that brought your misery upon yourself. perhaps that is the furthest thing from the truth, but thats why this post makes you look bad, imnsho.
    KingTrucker and VaGump Thank this.
  9. lucky07

    lucky07 Light Load Member

    Jan 15, 2012
    Ottawa, ON
    Depending on the level of panic that you've experienced, check your britches for foreign organic materials which may have excaped your bodies' custody. :biggrin_2559:
    losttrucker Thanks this.
  10. gdarkhorse

    gdarkhorse Bobtail Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    Sorry to keep it so short originally, but I'm new here and have written 2 separate longer details and both are lost somewhere. My husband worked for KLLM and it was a nightmare! They don't give a rats ##### about the drivers. Yes they say that they don't push new hires into the o/o program, BUT they make it VERY clear that there are not enough trucks or loads for non o/o drivers, therefore what is your choice? Go o/o or have no work at all.You have to fight tooth and nail to get some sort of take home pay because they conveniently can't find your information or will say that you never went on a certain job although you did and provided the proof They'll *(RICKY ALEXANDER) plead with you to save a load, drive hundreds of dead head miles knowing full well that the drop off time will be late no matter what, with the promise that if you save the load a better load will be given to you. This never happens! You will drive hundreds of dead head miles, save the load which was late before you rescued it, and get bi**ed out because it got to the receiver late! Like that's not bad enough, they'll sure enough give you a "better load" BUT they'll once again make you dead head for it with no fuel incentives, you'll get the load, get half way to the destination with plenty of time to spare, and suddenly ordered you to stop and give it to another driver! So basically you'll end up with peanuts after they've taken out from the top your truck payments, maintenance fund, insurances, and other expenses.
    They say that one advantage of being an o/o is that you can refuse loads. Well sure you can, but the only problem is that you are told that if you refuse the load that you will be sitting for an undetermined amount of time with no work in Illinois in below zero temps!!!
    They also say that they don't push anyone to get into the o/o program, BUT they will tell you that the company drivers are all being phased out because there's not enough trucks and the jobs are being given first to o/o's. Thus the OTR o/o's are dead heading more miles than they are getting paid for, they are driving regional miles, they are driving you within a certain amount of miles within the same area which they will not pay you for...I believe they call that "home miles", Somehow you'll always not get paid for jobs you've done due to them saying that you were never on that load, although you send in proof that you were!
    Night shift/day shift does not communicate with each other, and day shift does not bother to look at the communications that the driver had with the night shift dispatcher. So if night sift tells you to stay put and give the load to another driver, day shift will constantly bombard you with messages on the qualcom and phone calls asking what your eta is. So you're up almost all night waiting to make the switch out, and day shift won't let you sleep! Then when you ask for detention pay, day shift will refuse to grant the pay that's due to you because you listened to night shift. Somehow the driver gets all the blame even if they're doing what they're told to do!
    I can go into further details and more horror stories, but right now I'll end this. But there is one other thing I'd like to say to anyone who is thinking about joining KLLM...DON"T DO IT!!!! My husband has spoken to hundreds of fellow KLLM drivers and not one of them were happy! They all are experiencing the same or similar problems.
    If you read this and still choose to go with KLLM PLEASE look at those nice trucks which Doug Leo will tell you to choose the truck and it'll be yours to own in 5 years or less. Now take a moment and ask yourself a few important questions.
    What happened to the previous owner of that truck?
    Why are there piles of personal belongings on the ground which belonged to previous drivers?
    If they're hiring new employees every week and putting them into the o/o program, will there be enough work to go around to make each driver financially stable? Or will your risking your life only to make payments on a truck that will never be yours and the other expenses that go along with it be worth the risk?
    After they all take their payment off the top, will you still have enough to pay for bills at home and supply for your family?
    Is a few dollars worth you being away from home for months, sleeping on the side of a busy highway or in the middle of a crime/gang infested ghetto, eating cold canned foods because you can't afford a hot meal worth it?
    Why are there so many trucks and drivers still on the yard waiting for dispatch to give them jobs?
    I've spoken to many drivers and they all said the same thing, that the o/o program is nothing more than a con game! DO NOT GET INTO IT!!! Why? They might give you decent miles at the start(if lucky), but when you're almost at the end of your payments and only have a few payments left to go they'll suddenly give you so few miles that you get way behind on the payments. Therefore you get fired for "owing a substantial debt". No truck, no job, nothing to show for all the hard work you've put in. Not even a way home! So as an end result KLLM gets a new sucker to make payments for the same truck that previous drivers were fed the same dreams to. So after so many payments, the truck is paid off and nobody owns it except KLLM! Think about it folks!
    So I'd like to end this by saying that this company is one of the worst. The only ones who will stand up for them are either working within the company such as dispatch or higher ups or those very few select who have made it so far by brown nosing and snitching or you are one of the dispatchers favorites, maybe family members? Maybe you pay them off or give them certain "favors"? Hmmmmmm???
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
    scottied67 and pokerhound67 Thank this.
  11. bigjoel

    bigjoel Road Train Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Houston, Tx
    Sounds like all the rest of these trucking outfits.
    Swamprat55, Dinomite and Joetro Thank this.
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