Keeping Cool in the Summer

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by DeeVee, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. DeeVee

    DeeVee Bobtail Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    My bf has mentioned that his truck gets excessively hot in the summer. I'm looking for a present for him to help keep him cool. Any suggestions?
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  3. buzzarddriver

    buzzarddriver Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    Does his truck not have an air conditioning?? That is what is used to stay cool.
    tangerineGT Thanks this.
  4. DeeVee

    DeeVee Bobtail Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    Sorry I was a little brief on my original post.

    I honestly don't know too well I would think so but apparently there's a thing with the engine and it heats up and makes it really hot... I was just wondering if there existed like a (I don't want to sound obvious) but a portable AC unit that he could charge at home or through the power outlet (do trucks have those too)

    I'm also getting him some cooling towels (those ones you snap and they instantly cool down)...
  5. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Most vocational vehicles (Garbage trucks in this case) do not come with AC as a standard feature. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure it's an option feature from certain brands (the mack and Volvo I drive weekly doesn't even have mounts on the engine block for an AC compressor.) I'm not sure if that's true of all brands, but in at-least those two cases it is.

    Regardless, it's clear he (OP's significant other in this case) doesn't have access to it, and OP, I'm sorry, but your BF is SOL. I run residential 3/5 days at the moment, did it last summer and all winter. Dress accordingly for the temperature and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

    There's some days in the extreme heat of July/August, I'll wear just a single piece of under armor and very loose, open bibs. I get smiles from women on this because when I bend over, the sides tend to flare open and all my business is exposed. Atleast, I think its smiles. Might be them getting ready to puke for all I know of women. You guys are a freaking mystery wrapped around an enigma.

    He's probably running a cabover and sitting next to an engine running @ 180 degrees with little more than a bit of fireproof fabric and sheet metal sperating him from it. My right arm gets roasted year round on the side of the engine bay in my truck.

    Portable AC units, kind of exist. Most of them are a bucket with a fan sitting over it, you dump ice into it and it very slowly circulates somewhat cold air. Extremely basic system and will not work for this application. It also stops working when the ice melts and that on average, takes about 2 hours on a warm day.

    The cooling towels won't work, save your money.

    The short and skinny here, is, he will adjust. I've been standing in -20 degree weather with windchill reaching -30/40 regularly this winter. I can stand in it with a light hoodie and a set of thermals on underneath and feel comfortable. When summer rolls around, I'll be standing in 100 degree weather and full sun. Takes some getting used to.
  6. Richter

    Richter Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    Philadelphia Pa
    Didn't see it said Garbage and waste removal info is irrelivant
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
  7. Richter

    Richter Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    Philadelphia Pa
    Some trucks have valves ont he side that turn off the heating system and make the ac work better. He should check for 2 valves with collent lines running the heater core. Its possible the flap in the truck that controls weather heat or ac is on is stuck and thus he really has the heat partially on. Disabling the heater core would be a bandaid fix.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
  8. cabwrecker

    cabwrecker The clutch wrecker

    Mar 23, 2012
    Hey ritch, it's posted in Garbage and waste removal sub.
  9. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    Have a link for that requirement on air conditioning.
  10. TwinStickPeterbilt

    TwinStickPeterbilt Heavy Load Member

    Mar 16, 2013
    Back in the day we had 2-55 , 2 windows down at 55, most of us turned out the wing glass and it was pretty comfortable as long as you were moving.
  11. DeeVee

    DeeVee Bobtail Member

    Apr 9, 2014
    Cab, LOL! That sounds like so dangerous! Forget ineffective! I'm sad to hear about the towels, I know a lot of people in my family use them when they work out so I was hoping they would at least help a little :) but he's been in the industry for a few years now so idk lol

    Richter: I'll look into those ASAP! Thank you :)

    twin: awww :( haha that's awesome
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