KKW Trucking Pomona, Ca Orientation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Bonchez, May 15, 2013.

  1. Homietrucker101

    Homietrucker101 Bobtail Member

    Aug 11, 2016
    The drug Test was urine test..physical and drug test took 30 mins...easy work driver
  2. Truckergirl2014

    Truckergirl2014 Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2016
    Jay rod...how's it going over there at KKW? I'll be starting in 2 weeks buddy
  3. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    @JayRod was at Gardner out of Chino. I don't think he made it KKW. Your looking at an old post. From his other postings, he left Gardner and got hired at a tanker out fit .
    Truckergirl2014 Thanks this.
  4. Raging Bull69

    Raging Bull69 Light Load Member

    Jan 22, 2016
    1st off..... don't believe the answer about the miles! I was told the same thing that the company want s their drivers to do more than 2,300 miles a week but that was a lie. At one point i was 1,800 a week, then 1,500 a week all the way down to 1,200 a week. I made no money there the last few months so i was forced to leave as i almost went homeless!! I couldn't survive on $900 a month! I have rent and bills to pay!!
  5. Raging Bull69

    Raging Bull69 Light Load Member

    Jan 22, 2016
    I've worked at KKW myself and i can attest to your husband problems..... he ain't lying!! The beneifts is whack! You pretty much pay all it yourself, the company doesn't match dollar for dollar, 2nd..... some of their dispatchers suck! the new ones don't know WTF their doing! I was doing good at one point with the miles but it started to hit rock bottom with only getting 1,200 to 1,500 miles! all the detention time i did at the customers.... i still haven't seen not 1 dime for all that time i sat. dispatchers want favors all the time like go drop an empty trailer at a customer.... i use to get $15 for that but they stop paying after a while. I don't drop anymore empty trailers at customers, let the local drivers do that. A lot of work i did and i never got paid for. I'm gonna move on to a different company and i will never come back to KKW.
  6. Reptar310

    Reptar310 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    I've been with KKW for about a month now so I can share a bit of info I've learned so far.

    Drug test is just urine, no hair follicle test.

    They do not require any endorsements, although a few drivers do run doubles. I haven't seen many non-53 foot trailers in the yard though.

    Virtually all of the trucks are automatic Volvos. You will be road tested on an automatic.

    All trailers are 14 feet tall.

    Pay for one year of experience starts at $.41/mile.

    Dispatch is very friendly and they learn your name very quickly.

    You will get home very often if you're from the Los Angeles area. By very often I mean weekly. I'm not sure about other places.

    They have one terminal in Pomona, CA and are about to open a 2nd one in Portland, OR. They have drop yards in other places too that a few local drivers operate out of.

    I've been running almost exclusively I5, but others go to other places in the Western 11.

    They give you a list of about 60 fuel stops that you can go to. They don't tell you when to fuel, it's on the individual driver to plan the trip out.

    They use peoplenet which I like over the Qualcomm. It however doesn't not have navigation so you need to bring your own.

    Miles have been around 2000-2400 weekly.
    rpad139 Thanks this.
  7. rpad139

    rpad139 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    Where do you pick up loads and deliver to?

    You've been running alot of i5? La to sacramento? Or la to Washington?
  8. Reptar310

    Reptar310 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    A lot of LA to the Bay Area, and from there Portland and Southern Washington. I'm on a run now that finally took me off the I5. On my way to Utah.
  9. rpad139

    rpad139 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    I'm on western regional myself with another company. Sometimes sucks here because they give a 200-300 mile load that doesn't deliver until the next morning. For example pick up in southern CA at 5pm and won't deliver to las vegas until 8am next day.

    Does kkw have a lot of short runs like mentioned above.
  10. Reptar310

    Reptar310 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2017
    The shortest run I've gotten like that is more like 350-400 miles, and yes they happen every now and then. Most runs like that for KKW that I've been on deliver in the same 14 hour period though.
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