KKW Trucking Pomona, Ca Orientation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Bonchez, May 15, 2013.

  1. Rocknroller4

    Rocknroller4 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    I got an offer from KKW but trying to decide between KKW or Navajo Express in Colorado (reefer). Any ideas which would be better? Navajo at least have APUs but I do like the volvo automatic trucks better.
  2. Truckergirl2014

    Truckergirl2014 Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2016
    The best advice that I will give you is to go on Facebook and ask a couple of their drivers in a private message as far as Navajo is concerned! But kkw I wouldn't bother with them I was about to go ahead and sign on with them till 7 of their drivers said they only get 1500 miles a week
    Rocknroller4 Thanks this.
  3. Rocknroller4

    Rocknroller4 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    I have spoken to two Navajo Drivers. Both women and they seemed to have good things to say. Yea I thought it was odd KKW accepted me right off the bat and even wanted me to text over a pic of my CDL and med card..
  4. Rocknroller4

    Rocknroller4 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    By the way even though they pay low or low miles.. I think starting out it would be fine for 3-6 months. All I want is the experience and don't really want to drive all over the US right away. Kind of want to see if the lifestyle suits me first then I can look at actually doing OTR reefer or something. I like they have automatic volvo trucks too. Plus, they are in the next state over. Not really up for flying all the way to Colorado with the possibility it may not be for me.
  5. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    A Volvo..... an automatic????? Ok steering wheel holder.
  6. Truckergirl2014

    Truckergirl2014 Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2016
    Nowadays....it wouldn't be tare to try them both!!! SERIOUSLY! ....the trucking industry is fickle! Start with KKW...if it's not your cup of tea?... then hey...go elsewhere....but do remember, it might take a few companies til you find your home...THANK GOD I FOUND MINE! #goodluckguy
    Rocknroller4 Thanks this.
  7. Truckergirl2014

    Truckergirl2014 Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2016
    Don't be mean! I started off with a manual for the first 2 years....then almost had to use a walking cane! It'll damage the HELL out of your knee!.... different strokes, for different folks!! Be nice..... we are all truckers! FMCSA THE ENEMY..LOL
    Rocknroller4 Thanks this.
  8. Minedog

    Minedog Bobtail Member

    Dec 27, 2017
    Curious I want to know if they follicle drug screen or urine. Haven't driven for a few years and was taking prescibed oxycode for the past year. But haven't taken them in a few mos. But not risking this on my report.
  9. Truckergirl2014

    Truckergirl2014 Light Load Member

    Jun 11, 2016
    Just urine!!! Only the big boys like j.b hunt hair test! You're ok
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