KLLM orientation

Discussion in 'KLLM' started by VolunteerTrucker, Apr 25, 2020.

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  1. lsnook24

    lsnook24 Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2019
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  3. Qbf594

    Qbf594 Road Train Member

    Aug 15, 2019
    Southern Canadian annex, NY
    Somehow I am not surprised that our OP is looking for a job. Wonder how soon he's back asking for information that he will consider inadequate about some other company that he already knows all about...
    Jeez. Can't fix that level of personality disorder.
    Jarhed1964, Jenn72 and Wasted Thyme Thank this.
  4. VolunteerTrucker

    VolunteerTrucker Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2014
    It's not that I consider it inadequate, it's that it has nothing to do with the question I asked. It's like if I asked a question about an alternator on a Freightliner and you tell me about one on a Honda Civic.
    lsnook24 Thanks this.
  5. VolunteerTrucker

    VolunteerTrucker Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2014

    Crickets is better than useless information that has nothing to do with the question I asked.
    lsnook24 Thanks this.
  6. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    All we cam learn from this thread is OP has too big a chip on his shoulder. Drivers dealing w/megas AND a driver that works for FFE/KLLM have told him his answer. But he wants to trust the recruiter. We all know recruiters sell drivers rainbows and unicorns. But OP thinks "why would they lie?" Rwality check. Because they make money by every arse they get to orientation. Hello.
    Jarhed1964 and Jenn72 Thank this.
  7. Qbf594

    Qbf594 Road Train Member

    Aug 15, 2019
    Southern Canadian annex, NY
    You miss the point.
    You are here asking for free help.
    You offer nothing to anyone, nor does anyone else.
    You have the self control of a toddler, the social grace of someone stranded on an island for a decade.
    When you get called on it, instead of attempting to be polite, conciliatory, civilized, you become a petulant defensive and utterly rude cretin
    This is why I suspect that you have a personality disorder. Even small functional children understand the give and take aspects of being a human in a human group.
    You are unable or unwilling to behave in ways that get long-term good results. Therefore you are an evolutionary failure.
    That is all. Your analogies are irrelevant.
    Good luck.
  8. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    That's enough. Thread closed.
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