Korean dog farmers threaten to release 2 million hounds

Discussion in 'Other News' started by Chinatown, Nov 28, 2023.

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  2. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    I understand different cultures eat differently and consider creatures that many of us consider a part of our families a source of food. I just find it difficult to understand eatting dog and horses. Although some could argue the same for pork, beef and chicken as well as other living creatures which include plant and different species of invertebrates, reptiles and such. I say 'Turn out the hounds" but that's not going to turn out good for any one involved. This is why I am so adamant about spaying and neutering animals. It's not a bad idea for humans either.
    RockinChair Thanks this.
  3. mjd4277

    mjd4277 Road Train Member

    Oct 4, 2015
    So ,who’s up for Portillo’s for lunch??
    Bud A. and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
  4. Flat Earth Trucker

    Flat Earth Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2018
    I would not hesitate in putting ketchup on my hotdogs.
    mjd4277 Thanks this.
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