Landstar losing drivers
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by snowwy, Nov 3, 2024.
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gerardo1961, BoostedTeg, cke and 6 others Thank this.
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cke, Old_n_gray, KDHCryo and 1 other person Thank this.
I bought tesla at 145$ a share in my roth, my avg....cke, Siinman, D.Tibbitt and 1 other person Thank this. -
blairandgretchen and cke Thank this.
blairandgretchen, cke and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
blairandgretchen, Siinman and cke Thank this.
Supposedly. And i don't know how true it is. But Supposedly. There's some type of seal in the cylinder walls on top.
My last job replaced a head. Supposedly it was cracked. But that didn't fix the coolant problem. Since he finally realized the blowby situation. Which was destroying the oil. He did an overhaul. -
cke Thanks this.
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