Lazy Americans

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by VULCAN1999, Sep 29, 2007.

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  1. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    I would guess things would be different in Calif.
    Its a whole different world there.
    In San Francisco they don't allow ROTC in the Colleges
    and won't allow Marines on the streets to make a comercial.

    So if things seem a tad rough in California perhaps you need
    new elected representatives who make the laws there
    because this Marine does not have much sympathy to how
    rough it is there. Nothing personal, I lived a good portion of
    my life there and wish I could go back. But socialism just
    don't cut it and I bet Walmart has to be cut throat there
    just to keep up.

    My best friend in the Service has worked part time for Walmart for many
    years in Oklahoma. He loves it. But then he collects guns you can't buy
    in California.

    My Wife has half her week ends off and only has to close once in a while
    here on the east coast. She loves working at Walmart also. I think its
    the state, or the state of mind, but not the company thats the problem....
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  3. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California

    Anywhere near Stringtown --- south of McAlester on 69/75 and north of Atoka?
    I've visited the Wal-Mart in Atoka, Oklahoma, and you're correct. There IS a WORLD of difference betwixt that Wal-Mart and the ones here in the Land 0' Fruits & Nutz.

    NO firearms sold at the Wal-Marts here in town. I ALMOST took a Savage chambered for .220 Swift home from Atoka. Good skunk rifle.
    BTW I learned it's not really wise to check my kill up close when it's a skunk.
    DON'T ask me HOW I learned that though. I'll NEVER admit I stunk due to a skunk.
    I'm a California City Slicker Cowboy!
    Whadja 'spect?!
  4. mechwyphx2b

    mechwyphx2b Light Load Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    Willis, Texas
    You have to keep in mind too, that even if Wal Mart offers you insurance, can you afford it. By the time I Quit Wal Mart My insurance rates were more than half my paycheck, how reasonable is that?

    So I worked full time and had insurance whoop-t-do. I couldn't afford anything else.

    Geesh, Wal Mart is only good to start a job experience and learn where not to work.
  5. Privateer

    Privateer Bobtail Member

    Oct 14, 2007
    Cambridge, Oh
    Walmart. It is an American success story. Like everything these days though, it has been hijacked by corporate greed. I too am concerned what the store will do when they are the only place to buy something, or close to it. Since a lot of you have been up and down and left and right on I-77/I-70, I am sure you have seen Cambridge, Oh.
    I live near there, and when the Walmart came in, it was welcome. It is so convenient to be able to drive to one place and purchase what you need. Anyone who lives in Appalachia knows how much driving you have to do.
    Now not only did they level an entire hill and put in one of Ohio's biggest Walmarts, but we have a very good CHINESE BUFFET! , (these buffets will be the death of us, mark my words) an entire strip mall style plaza and a new hotel. The whole area north of Walmart got in on a little refurbishment, even K-Mart. I have to admit, it's all very convenient. That's saying a lot for me, because I am probably the most crotchety 33 year old man you will ever meet. I see how these mega stores look good now, but may become a nightmare. I just can't help myself!
  6. Eaglerider

    Eaglerider Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2007
    Council Bluffs, Iowa
    Actually I think hes was trying to get us all to open our eyes. The way we, as Americans, think and act is disgraceful.

    We allow Walmart to build there store, then undercut all the stores that have been in the community for ages. They place small businesses out of business and once the competion is gone, jack up the prices.

    No Walmart shouldn't be punished for running a profitable business. But people should have there head examined for destroying thier own economic communal structure. Then crying about how bad it all is. Even if it is of thier own making. We seem to think we are "owed" something. Reality is all you are "owed" is that which you create for yourself. Life..... It really is what you make of it.

    How did we get from talking about the Mexican truckers to bashing walmart?


    I like that piece of paper they created back in 1775 and signed in 1776 that starts out: We The people, I just wish curent society would quit trying to alter it or make counter acting laws to it.
  7. jbc

    jbc Light Load Member

    Sep 6, 2007
    Eastern US

    Probably due to the fact that your exposure to the WalMart workforce is very limited. Having a few friends or family members working for them only gives someone a very small look at the total picture.

    Not everyone retires from their present job no matter what it is. Let's look at the military. The latest stats I saw showed that only 11% ever make it to the 20 year minimum for retirement. That surprised me because in my circle of friends most of us will complete 20 years. If I remained closed-minded I could easily assume that the percentage was much higher based I my experience.

    Saying WalMart is a bad company because you personally don't know of anyone planning to retire from there means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things.
  8. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California

    Well, it probably means SOMEthing, but not enough to worry about.
    And probably not enough to form the opinion that Wal-Mart is a "bad company." And I'm not implying that it is ALL bad. What impressed me was how accurate that Wal-Mart supervisor in Utah was when he explained the corporate plan to kick K-Mart to the curb.

    I wasn't then, nor am I now, a frequent K-Mart shopper. But there were many that were. And that might have something to do with why I don't frequent Wal-Marts today. I prefer the personalized services provided by the smaller stores, and that could be another reason.

    I think I view Wal-Mart like I view Big truck trucking companies, in general, they serve a purpose. Only difference is, of the Big truck drivers driving for Wally, as well as those on dedicated routes I've personally spoken with, the majority spoke favorably. It's mostly the folks working at the actual stores who are dissatisfied.
    At least in California.

    I'll admit, when I visited the Wal-Mart in Atoka, Oklahoma, the atmosphere was much different. More friendly.
    Folks in California don't tend to be as nice as in some other states. And when they say things like, Have a nice day, or How are you? --- there's no real thought behind it. If they ask how your day is, try answering "rotten" sometime. You'll likely hear, oh that's nice.

    I don't suggest anyone alter their shopping or working habits based on my feelings about Wal-Mart. You won't find me out picketing in front of their stores. I'm pretty much live and let live, that's why a corporation powerful enough and willing to attempt to put another business OUT of business doesn't set well with me. But I stop well short of a boycott. I'm thinkin' there's more good about Wal-Mart than not so good.

    As for the employees, I have no beef with them. They're working folks just like me, tryin' to earn a living.

  9. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    Thats a good post. Not a complete change but I see a commendable
    flexibility. Today on my way home from work I stopped and helped
    a lady by changing her tire. We both work in the same area and
    live in the same area. Normally I am not much for small talk but
    I wanted to put her at ease because of how vulnerable she was.
    Found out she has been working at the chicken plant for several years
    and commutes about 40 minutes home. I told her how my wife works
    at Walmart, she enjoys it but some of her coworkers quit or get fired
    for laziness and stealing. When I found out how long this woman has
    worked at the chicken plant (very hard work) I tried to talk her into
    putting in an aplication at Walmart because its closer and the work is
    easier. Walmart is a manuel labor job. Non skilled labor. When you
    compare it with a chicken plant it compares well IMO. No one should really
    try to compare it with a Union, government, or government subsidized job.
    My friend who worked at a Walmart near Oklahoma City liked it for what
    it was, not for what it was not. He and I are both glass half full kind of
    guys. I felt the woman whose tire I was changing would do well there
    because not only was she a proven hard worker, but being from Guatemala she had the perspective to know a halfway good job when
    she saw one.
  10. luvinmytrucker

    luvinmytrucker Bobtail Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Ventnor City, NJ
    13 cents a mile wouldn't feed my cat. Much less me, hubby and 4 kids. you'd be crazy to drive for that'd make more working at McDonalds
  11. coastie

    coastie Road Train Member

    As for Wal Mart is 1 of 2 reasons why I went into Trucking. When I was discharged I openned a Hobby Shop. I did play beat Wal Mart Price and under selling their prices on the few items I sold that they did too. They sold a Model for $11.98, I sold it for $11.00. But my problem was the people who went to Wla Mart in the town I lived in, had to pass my store to go to Wal mart in the next Town. And they passed on by to pay the higher prices at Wal Mart.

    One day I was set up at a Flea Market as to advertise my Store. A lady was looking at an Item and put it down and said I'll go to Wal Mart and get it Cheaper. My wife and I laughed our heads off, 1. Wal Mart did not have it, 2. If they did we were cheaper.

    But due to the mentally of the public, we shut our Store down, and I went Trucking.
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