Lazy Americans

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by VULCAN1999, Sep 29, 2007.

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  1. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    I'm with Shockey on this. I don't like some of Wal-Mart's business practices, but I'm not going to rant and rave about it. Evidently a lot of folks are happy with them. So for me? I simply choose to put my dollars elsewhere. :yes2557:
  2. Truckers Report Jobs

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  3. Banners80

    Banners80 Bobtail Member

    Oct 26, 2007
    I can see this opening up a can of worms:biggrin_25519:
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    The post
    The "Invasion"?

    B O T H ?! :biggrin_25511::biggrin_25525:
  5. rch10007

    rch10007 Medium Load Member

    May 26, 2007
    Madison, AL
    Have any of you actually read the US Constitution? The American way is to fight for legislation to open the borders and then hire Mexicans to drive your trucks for $0.13 a mile and sit at home in your underwear while calling brokers from Get Loaded and DAT 360. Haggle for that buck o' mile freight that we all love and make $0.87 per mile. Force the drivers to stay out for months and hire one of their 14 cousins living in the shack they call home to run your office for you.

    Take your leave from the job and turn it over to the Mexicans to run the rates into the toilet. Then you can go take a vacation in the Carribean and occasionally check into The Truckers Report to hear how you've contributed to the American Way of enterprise.

    Progress is the American Way. We all have the exact same opportunity as the next guy. If you want to blame Mexicans or MBA's for your troubles, you'll never understand what America stands for. Opportunity!

    If I was Mexican (and I am 100% sure you feel the smae way), I would have jumped the border years ago and tried to bring my family to the circus with me. You all would do the same thing if you lived in a toilet. Think of ways to use these people to better their lives and in return, if your smart, you will make some coin by doing it. That's one of the "American" ways.

    BTW - I've lived overseas for 5 years. In that time, I came to the same conclusion that Americans are lazy. The ironic part is that you can't see it from America. Outside of the USA, Americans don't mix well because of their incessant belief that the world was made for them and their ideals. The US Constitution will spell out for you, what an American is - read it. American isn't your opinion to spread - it's in black and white.
  6. RoadDog_Az

    RoadDog_Az Bobtail Member

    Oct 26, 2007
    I don't think I have ever heard such a load of crap in my life. You must be insane or just really stupid. The only people that supported the passing of the mexican trucker bill were special interest groups involved with trucking corporations. ie: Swift. They (Swift) own the biggest trucking company in mexico and their goal is to eliminate American drivers from the industry. Then you will be picking the lettuce bud. Get a clue and do a little research before you make such moronic statements.
  7. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    I think you should read more of this thread and find what was meant.

    You will then probably want to erase your post.
  8. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    He is probably tired. Aren't most truck drivers?
    Vulcan was demonstrateing absurdity by being absurd..
  9. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007

    Wait till he finds the supertrucker thread.
  10. coastie

    coastie Road Train Member

    Vulcan1999 stated American Are Lazy, or American Truck Drivers, but say all Americans for argument purposes.

    I am not saying I agree with that, but I am basically passing on what I learn in the last year.

    Most or some of you know I was living over seas for some time. I Joined this Forum, and month later moved to the Philippines and lived there for 10 months and returned back to the States this Aug.

    Many other Countries do think we are Lazy. Yes we have given the out look of a Lazy Country. Here if we do not want to work, we go to the welfare Office and get a check. If we lose our Job we go to the Unemployment Office and get a Unemployment Check. We get Food Stamps, and we go back home and sit on the Porch and watch the grass grow. And if your not making $1000.00 a week we rather be at home collecting our 200.00 a week unemployment Check. Here we get free medical if you can get on welfare or do not make so much. In Congress as we speak they are trying to pass a bill for free medical for Children which will cause our taxes to go up. So we can pay for more Illegals medical care in the long run. So we do have things handed to us if you know how to work the system.

    Since I was in the Philippines, I am going to use it as an example.

    In the Philippines Cost of Living is much lower than it is in the USA. But listen to this. If you are sick, and have no money, You are refused medical Care. If you have no money, you can not buy food. But if your poor and have no money, and you can find enough wood to put up a shack, you can build a house on abandon Government Property. Called Squatters.

    If your lucky and have a job, your pay is very low. My wife has a Civil Engineering Degree, and was asked to work on a project of building a refinery and made $50.00 per week. But that project was over fast and she brought it from 2 weeks behind to finishing it on time. Hours of Work? She left her home at 4AM Monday through Saturday, And worked till 10PM every day with Sunday her only day off.

    Many who needs money to feed they family will do almost anything. You see guy out doing Shoe repair, Flip flops mostly. Work all day for no more than to earn $2.00 plucking weeds by hand.

    But they have no hand out programs for food, no hand outs for medical, no hand outs cause you lost your job. So if your not working, you best have family over seas working and sending you money.

    So are Americans Lazy? This is a 2 part answer. Yes and No. Some are, and we see them on welfare, and foodstamps, but most are out busting their rearends to pay for it all. Now just like in Trucking, the few bad apples makes us all look bad, the few Lazy ones, makes us all look bad.
  11. Carolina_Beaver_Teaser

    Carolina_Beaver_Teaser Light Load Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Mooresville , NC
    What loads are you refering to? The dirt ##### cheap ones that barely covering operating expenses? Well, then yes, I am lazy then. Why work myself into the poor house?
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