LC Transportation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ScooterDawg, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. Armchair_Trucker

    Armchair_Trucker Bobtail Member

    Aug 7, 2010
    Doesn't bite? Reassuring. SD, I emailed you back, can understand about rathering phone, if you don't want to email back I will call shortly. If not today it's because I'm working a double...bout 18 hours, and didn't find the chance. What's your weekend look like, I LOVE free nights and weekends, but don't want to bother you during precious home time. Thanks for the reply, very thoughtful.
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  3. andrew5184

    andrew5184 Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Sapulpa, OK
    Good luck, Armchair Trucker, as you begin researching. At least Scooter is easier to get hold of than Mr. Swanson over at Magnum. Whenever ol Leith actually answers, I'm usually so shocked that I forget why I called. He's a busy guy.
  4. SpecialOps

    SpecialOps Light Load Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Pontiac, MI
    Glad to read that everything has been working out for you Mark, Just wanted to jump in here and say hello, and let you know that I have been thinking about you and yours. Been keeping me really busy working in the Warehouse and driving 4 days a week. But the Mail has to get delivered right. Hope that you have been keeping yourself safe out there. Winter is coming faster than I want it to that is for sure. I sure but that Linda is gotten use to you driving by now, have you been able to take her with you? She might really enjoy. While brother just wanted you to know that you are not forgotten keep yourself safe, and enjoy. God bless you and yours.
  5. SpecialOps

    SpecialOps Light Load Member

    Oct 22, 2008
    Pontiac, MI
    Hey Mark, hope that everything has been working out for you and that you and the wife are doing well. Just thinking of you and wanted to jump in here and say hey. God bless buddy.
  6. mile marker

    mile marker Light Load Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Pittsburgh Pa
    Ha,Scooter really enjoy reading your travels, just wanted to see how things are going be safe out there.
  7. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    OH MY GAWD!!!! I'm still ALIVE!!!!! hehehehehehe

    Actually things are going phenomenally well, but I am busting it to keep the dream alive.

    Let me bring ya'll up to speed.....

    I ended up leaving LC at the end of 2010.... not because I was unhappy. Because I was ready to take the next step.... Owner Operator. LC used to have an O/O program, but they ended up phasing it out. I, however, did not want to compromise.

    So I went out in October and started shopping. I ended up buying a "starter truck", paid cash, and got things set up with Schneider, using their load board and dispatching myself (very much like how Landstar does it). And things were great. Home a lot, making money, and seeing the world.

    Then, in March, my truck left me sitting on the side of the road going up Fancy Gap. I had already put several thousand $$$ in the truck since I had bought it (front plate, injectors, tires, so forth) and I had to start weighing out my options.

    Being that I was doing quite well for myself with the runs I was picking, I was able to budget myself out to afford to buy a new (yes, new) truck. Been running with "Casper", my 2011 Kenworth T700, and doing well for myself. I have to run hard, be smart in how I do what I do, and limit my hometime to a few days every couple weeks, but I am happy with the way things have turned out.

    Not sure I would necessarily recommend what I did to everyone, but it is a good fit for me and I am still making more take home money than I was as a company driver.

    I still have HIGH REGARD for the people at LC. They are definately the best I have ever worked for, but my life has progressed, and I am tickled with the way it is going.

    Ya'll take care..... I'm still out there!

    Mega ARF!!!!
    Fratsit, andrew5184 and Jarhed1964 Thank this.
  8. mile marker

    mile marker Light Load Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Pittsburgh Pa

    Thanks for the comeback. Looks like you worked hard to put yourself in the postion your in now.Glad to hear things are good. Congrads on the new truck.

  9. misterG

    misterG Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    ask my dispatcher
    Congratulations SD, very happy to hear that your doing so well. Your a testament to the work ethic that so many have forgotten about lately.

    I'm with Mile Marker, need to see a pics of the new ride.:biggrin_25519:
  10. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Alright, here ya go guys. In case you're wondering, the shiny lettering is reflective scotchlite and is only visible at night as cars pass by. During the day, it is virtually unnoticable

    Attached Files:

    misterG, andrew5184 and Fratsit Thank this.
  11. mile marker

    mile marker Light Load Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Pittsburgh Pa

    Thanks for the pics of the new ride.

    Really nice looking truck!!!! Love the lettering on the back. Hope to here from some of your travels. Be safe.
    ScooterDawg Thanks this.
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