Lease operator for act(american central transport)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by pete3871, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    What they do is you sign a short lease or rental really on the loaner truck and then they move the payment of your regular truck to the end of it's lease. No double payment.
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  3. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Bigkid is right,I remember them going over the deal with the loaner truck situation if you needed one and no I dont think its in the contract.Everything this company has told me has been 100% upfront and true.I really dont see why they would'nt want to help you out with a repair issue.Remember,this is a 300 truck fleet,not 5000 where you're basically on your own with no real support.I know I've been there!
    logisticlymissplaced Thanks this.
  4. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Hey missplaced, congradulations on getting on.I think you'll like it.You might ask Kim or whoever you talked to to find out what place in line you are at oreintation because thats the way they let you pick your truck.I was first in my class so I got to pick first.I guess it depends on how many people are in your class.I hope I explained that right,Its who commits to come to oreintation first for that week,gets to pick first.As far as the freight,yeah its a little slow but its that time of the year.If you read my #'s you can see my avg. is around 2200 per week so far.Keep in mind I've worked since I started Nov.24th,so I had all the holidays and plus slow time of the year so far.

    I really like not having to run so hard to make decent money.Bigkid has a post in favorite trucking companys that shows his #s since march of last year.It looks like to me this is a 70k a year truck driving job with an average around 2500 miles a week.Whats better than that?Thats also paying all you're expenses and being able to own a truck after 3 or 4 yrs.

    As far as home time I think thats really up to you.Where do you live?If you live along alot of their freight lanes you could probably get home alot.I dont take alot of home time,usually stay out 3 or 4 mos. then take a week or so,I like it better that way.I'm single with no kids so my home time is not a priority.I live around Ft Worth and my dispatcher has asked me when I go to Dallas if I want a few days off several times.If you want home time here,all you have to do is ask, it looks like to me.Good luck at Liberty,I think you'll be quite impressed.
    logisticlymissplaced Thanks this.
  5. logisticlymissplaced

    logisticlymissplaced Light Load Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    new lenox il
    pete i live near chicago and hometime is not a big deal i just want to make sure i'am making a good move and sounds like i am so thanks for the reply
  6. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Delivered my load in Shawnee Mission KS fri.and went to the office to sign my new lease.Everbody was super nice at the office.Was the first time I've been there since I started.The office is about 10 miles away from the new yard,so I've never had a reason to go there.Got a load out of the KC yard sat. going to DeKalb IL 450 miles.The roads got crappy sat afternoon up in IL so I did'nt get load delivered till sun am 0800,thats when it was due.Had a preplan for Milwakee WI to Social Circle GA to deliver sun 1800.Got to Milwakee around noon and took off for GA,had to run pretty hard to get down there sun.The load was 111 miles empty 816 loaded.Got to Ga sun. around 1600,drop and hook.Found a rest area and watched the 49er's lose.Got a load mon. from Rome Ga. to Des Moines IA to deliver wed. 0730.120 miles empty 837 loaded.
  7. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Missplaced you're in a real good freight area for ACT,So getting by the house even overnite should be real easy.I never have to wait around for a load in the Chicago area.Delivered in Des Moines wed. morning,then got a load from Des moines to Monroe IN. 495 miles loaded Delivered it 0900 this morning.Got a real good preplan 600 miles total going to St Paul,but could'nt take it because my hours are to short.Only had 7 left today and 2 1/2 tommorow,sucks.Going to sit here today and let my hours catch up so in the morning I'll have 9 1/2 and then good for the weekend.Only have 1450 miles this week so far,so I hope I get a good load for the weekend.
  8. logisticlymissplaced

    logisticlymissplaced Light Load Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    new lenox il
    wow 1,450 miles? that sucks but we all know that's truckin you will have your bad weeks hope it picks up guick I'm packin up the pickup and will leave out on sunday morning
  9. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    Our week starts at midnight Monday night though.
  10. logisticlymissplaced

    logisticlymissplaced Light Load Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    new lenox il
    that's right i forgot so he has a few days he'll be good then lol
  11. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    Should be. I know a few weeks back on Friday I only had 950 miles and still ended up with about 2500.
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