Lease operator for act(american central transport)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by pete3871, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. dock100

    dock100 Bobtail Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Thanks to Pete and all of you for posting this thread.Aside from the ones who want to tell you what your business is it has been helpful and interesting.
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  3. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member


    Ohh ok, yeah that was probably Patrick H. Been at the company for awhile and driver of the month. I'm sure he gave you lots of good info.

    Was just wondering, since I spoke with someone a while back that had 12 yrs and was an owner op... Guess there's a few truckers out there just like yourself lol

    Well, good luck to you in class (it's not as boring as some and you meet a lot of nice people). I'm sure I'll meet you sometime around the yard.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2012
  4. dock100

    dock100 Bobtail Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Think thats it.thanks hopefully i will be on the road by the end of next week.looking forward to getting back on the road. this local gig is putting me to sleep
  5. Drifter42

    Drifter42 Hopper Heartache

    Dec 4, 2011
    Seymour IN
    Yeah it's pretty standard stuff. On the 3rd day you have a short driving test. On Thursday you go over you're lease and get the keys to you're truck that afternoon and get dispatched Friday am or maybe late Thursday. It's all pretty laid back and yeah the bar lol
    BlackLions and dock100 Thank this.
  6. dock100

    dock100 Bobtail Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Got a call today from ACT. said was reserving my room at the hotel.The guy said it was a class of 9 and his last updated available truck list was 4 2010s and 1 2011.HMM Maybe some of them are company drivers.Who knows,I am sure they know what they are doing.Anyone know anything about the paccar engines.
  7. dock100

    dock100 Bobtail Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    Hope no one took post number 561 the wrong way.I see now it could be taken wrong.I meant all the negative bs from people telling you folks you are doing wrong and are going to fail.As if they actually know your situation.I think you guys are doin great and I am happy for you all.Be safe out there.And thanks for the info:biggrin_25519:
  8. Drifter42

    Drifter42 Hopper Heartache

    Dec 4, 2011
    Seymour IN
    I would try to get a 2010 model. The lease term is shorter, should have a cummins and no DEF. Also the miles on the 2010 models still should be under 300k and if they are over 300k, it should not be by much. I know Kujo that posts on here some has a paccar and seems to like it pretty well, but I was just hesitant on getting one myself. I'm sure their are a few others on here that have them. Good luck and welcome aboard.
    dock100 Thanks this.
  9. DragonTamerBrat

    DragonTamerBrat Road Train Member

    Jun 6, 2011
    Hubby has the T660 2010, w/ the ISX Cummins engine. No DEF. Kujo has, I think, a 2011, w/ the DEF. I don't remember which engine he has. Heck, I do good to keep track of WHERE hubby and the kids are, nevermind anything else. (Especially since the kids are currently in London.)
    dock100 Thanks this.
  10. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Delivered my load this am in Rogers AR.Was trying to get a load through Dallas to meet up with BlackLions and go to the truck show.ACT treated me right and sent me a great load,Ardmore OK. to Laurens SC.The total miles on the load is 1300 miles.If I wasn't trying to get through Dallas and had gotten this load I would have busted my butt and got it there by Fri night and been sitting on 3000 miles on Sat. morning with the weekend to go.

    In all reality ACT probably wouldn't have deadheaded me 300 miles for this load,other than trying to help me out to do something I wanted,so I'm thankful for that.Met up with Blacklions in Ardmore and sorta followed him into Dallas to the truck show parking lot,very tricky to get to.He's got a load here to deliver in the am and then we're heading into the show.

    I went to the Mid America truck show 3 yrs ago and thought it wasn't something that I would be interested in,but was super surprised at how much I enjoyed it.I'm looking foward to going to this one.The longer you're in this buisness and really want to succeed the more you can learn about new stuff that makes your job easier and more comfortable,and these big truck shows have all this stuff in one place.

    If you can't make this show,go to the Mid America in Louisville KY around Feb or March,when ever it is.It's well worth your time and I promise anybody would enjoy it.
    BlackLions, ghettochild and magnificco Thank this.
  11. ghettochild

    ghettochild Medium Load Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Hey Pete how is things going for you? I went to the truck show back in Kentucky, all I could do was walk around like a kid in a candy store so much you can learn from
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