Lease operator for act(american central transport)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by pete3871, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. better late than never

    better late than never Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    south jersey
    i'm glad i stumbled on to this thread. i've been looking hard at different lease programs. they all s pretty much seem the same, but for someone with no money down and who works hard and take pride in himself, it seems like a chanceable(?) option. i'm just trying to say thanks to pete and lion and everyone on this thread to share as much as you have. the next step is for me to call a recruiter and see if they hire in the south jersey area.Thanks anain guys.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
    BlackLions Thanks this.
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  3. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    I'll say you're welcome for everyone here. As far as Jersey... :(

    Check out the hiring area on
    better late than never Thanks this.
  4. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    I'm doing great ghettochild.How bout you?When you coming back?
  5. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Sorry I've been so lazy about posting lately,been running real hard this week.Delivered my load in SC on Mon morning and got a prelpan from Kings Moutain,NC. to Indy to Del 0700 Tues morning,610 miles.Had a preplan before I left NC from Indy to Des Moines for 2100 delivery on Tues.520 miles.Had another preplan before I left Indy for Clinton,IA to Columbia,GA. to deliver Fri 0800,1080 miles.So I'll have 2200 miles on Fri morning,good week so far.

    Hope I don't run into to much rain from Issac on my way to GA.It look's like it's going to be raining everywhere we run for the next 5 or 6 day's and with the holiday driving craze this weekend,I hope everybody including all the trucker's take it easy out on the road's.

    BlackLion's and myself had a great time at the truck show.I was only able to go on Fri,but he was able to make it on Sat also.We were told that the Dallas show is about 1/4 the size of the big MATS show in Louisville,KY in the spring.We are going to try and make that one too.

    There was alot of stuff we were looking for that wasn't there or just one choice.Wanted to get some custom fit window coverings,since these trucks don't have curtains in the front.We did try out alot of seat's as that was the main thing we wanted and picked a new Bostrom seat that will be out around Oct.We did demo that new Bose ride seat,really cool and worked great.I'm hoping BlackLion's will get me one for Christmas,for talking him into coming to work for ACT.I'm not holding my breath though,the seat cost 6000 dollars.

    I now have about 50 free pens,key tags, organizer's,cap's,T shirt's and other crap to last to me a year.It's worth going to the truck show for all the free stuff they give you,also alot of big drawing's for motorcycles,boat's,and other big prize's.I'm waiting on that call coming in sept for that fully rigged Skeeter bass boat!
    BlackLions Thanks this.
  6. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Haaaaaaaaaa!! that's all I'm going to say to your BoseRide dream.... ;)

    It was defiantly a fun 3 days, met a lot of drivers and saw some cool trucks. If any of you have a chance to go to any of them, go and experience it. I was surprised how many families were there.
  7. ghettochild

    ghettochild Medium Load Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    That's funny they told me I had to pay $2200 to come back..didn't they realize I had a heartattack
  8. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    I had a feeling something like that was going on.
    magnificco Thanks this.
  9. ghettochild

    ghettochild Medium Load Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    I asked them if I could work it off,they told me they wasn't hurting for basically they was saying F U pay me
  10. Drifter42

    Drifter42 Hopper Heartache

    Dec 4, 2011
    Seymour IN
    Wow that is so wrong.
  11. ghettochild

    ghettochild Medium Load Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    yeah thats how FAMILY do you..was never late,didnt turn down loads hell even dm was surpised at the miles i was running..But still is a great company
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