Lease operator for act(american central transport)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by pete3871, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Yeah its only friday so I've still got the weekend to get a load or two maybe.0830 friday and still have'nt got a preplan should be pretty quick tho.
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  3. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Got a load from Wabash IN to Hastings NE.Right at 800 miles.Does'nt deliver till mon. morning 1100.So it's going to be another 2200 mile week.Only had 1 load in the last 2 weeks under 40k.It's killing my fuel milage average.Drove 61mph to Walcott IA fri. afternoon,had a little head wind,and I averaged 6.9.Load is 44k,so I hope my mpg's stay the same pulling the hills across IA.Hung out in Grandma's grille last night,met some cool people and had alot of fun.Might go ahead and do it again tonight and get a 34 in.Maybe I'll get lucky and catch some good loads next week,so I might as well have fresh hours.
  4. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    Ignore the 11am delivery time. They are pretty much fcfs. I would get there the night before and back in the door all the way by the railroad tracks and they will start unloading you as soon as he gets there at 5 or 6am. The rocking of the truck getting unloaded can be your alarm clock. I have done that every time I had that load.
  5. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    I know what you mean with the heavy loads this week. I had one that was 9200 but I had bad winds which wiped it out and other than that been over 40k all week. I will have a real good week with miles though.
  6. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Hey Bigkid thanks for the info man! You dont learn these things until you get used to being at these different shippers and recievers,unless someone like yourself helps another guy out.Thanks Again.
  7. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Well,did like Bigkid said and got to Hastings sun. night,backed in the dock and woke up at 0700 when the guy started unloading my trailer.Actually got a preplan before I left Walcott.Load picking up back in Des Moines going to Bedford PA for wed.0800.291 miles empty 887 loaded.Best load I've gotten in a long time.Going to hit up dispatch for a preplan out of PA for wed. morning,so I might end up with a decent week.
  8. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Wow,got woke up this morning with a preplan for wed. am going from PA. to Memphis TN.Around 800 miles,delivers fri 0700.Maybe things are picking up.Sitting in the t/a at Morris IL. this morning,getting ready to leave.Going to take the toll roads even though I'll have to pay for IN and OH.They're route takes me through to many towns and stop and go traffic.I can make up the cost by cruising along around 60 mph down the turnpikes.I got 40k on and all that stopping and going kills my fuel milage,plus alot of time wasted."Got 600 miles to ride and do one more show".Getting 8.3 mpg right now because of the long deadhead.Really got to work on myself,to slow down and make money off of fuel milage not just miles.
    logisticlymissplaced Thanks this.
  9. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    Pete you don't have to pay any toll. You have Ipass right? If Ipass pays it then you don't have to.
  10. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Well Bigkid,I thought they told me that if your fuel route says take this route and you choose to go another way that might have tolls,you would be responsible for that toll.The fuel route they sent me had me going south on 65 out of chicago then hwy 30 thru Indiana and Ohio,then 71 north to PA turnpike.I was'nt about to go that way,just took 80 across the whole way.Only reason they're route was that way was to avoid the tolls.I've drove for several companys that went out east and never seen that route before.I had 600 miles to go and would have never made it with 11 hrs going thru all those towns and lights pulling 40k.And yes I used my I pass,just figured they hit my check for the IN and OH tolls.
  11. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    The only time you need to worry about tolls and the fuel route is with tolls you pay cash for. If they did not route you that way they won't reimburse you. Ipass is another story. If it is a toll road where you use Ipass and it is not out of route Ipass pays it and they don't charge you back. They would like for you to follow the route they send you so they don't have to pay the toll but they are usually a lot longer and if they are not paying the extra miles I am not going that way.
    pete3871 Thanks this.
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