Lease Op's... How are You Doing ??

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by Howling Wolf, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Newark Valley, New York
    Hey all ! Hope this finds everyone well! Thinking of calling recruting, and was just wondering how you all are doing on the flt/spec/O.D. side?? Are ya'll all on millage or %, or both ? How's Freight ?? This is basically a " Should I or Should'nt I make the call Question. Please respond A.S.A.P as
    I need to make the call pretty quick, or look else where. Need A Job!!!
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  3. eckz

    eckz <strong>"Radio Rambo"</strong>

    Sep 15, 2007
    Detroit, Michigan
    I've been talking to recruiting and was accepted, a friend of mine is an L/O With them and is doing extremely well, he and I both drove for TMC. I'm sure he'll be on here to outline some information about it, i'm going to wait until after november to get started that way i can finish some things up at home and by then the DOT audit that i'm hearing about should be over.
  4. Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Newark Valley, New York
    " eckz " Thank's for the come-back! DOT Audit ugh??? Hmmm...? Wonder why ? Just
    rutine, or someone been bad ?? At any rate, I'm shure someone on here will let us know. Thanks again, and hope to here from some of the drivers soon. See Ya!!
  5. Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Newark Valley, New York
    Hey Guy's...What's Up!!! No responses to my question ?? Not shure what to think about this. Is no news, good news, or bad news??? Just trying to make shure I'm making the rite choice. I know there's lots of positive, and not so positive post on here about the "Lease Deal" And here lately there has'nt been any new post at all, and it just has me worndering. Please let me know, one way or the other...Yea or Ney!! Thanks.
  6. eckz

    eckz <strong>"Radio Rambo"</strong>

    Sep 15, 2007
    Detroit, Michigan
    I've been talking to Terry over the weekend, he was SUPPOSED to come here and respond, but i guess he got busy rolling around in all that money he made on his nuke load :biggrin_2551::biggrin_2551::biggrin_2551:.. Like a pig in mud, eh? :biggrin_2559:

    They are doing well, at least he is.. I'm still planning on going to ATS, but i want to buy my own truck.. Don't like the lease idea. The recruiter has been blatantly honest about everything, both good and bad, which leads me to further assert my opinion that this is a great company to work for. Personally I'd rather a company that just blatantly tells you when they screw you than tries to lie and talk their way around it... ATS seems like they favor the first choice, I like that..Of course I'd prefer to not get screwed at all, but this is trucking after all and it's bound to happen...

    The recruiter is even willing to talk to the Bank for me and discuss fleet averages and freight trends in order to help me get the loan for my truck.. Which is kind of him, I'm sure he is under no such obligation to do this for me, and it's appreciated.

    Edit: There are a few reasons that I want my own truck, and not one of theirs..

    1. I whole heartidly agree with Triplesix's view on 9 speeds (only an idiot would buy one)
    2. The trucks are "iffy", they are old with many miles on them. I don't like the way they are specced, they are not O/O specced, they are fleet specced which means crappy fuel economy and comfort.
    3. I don't like the idea of my financier controlling my means to pay my truck note.. IE Buying a truck from the person that is helping me to pay for it via freight
    4. I like to have control over situations (at least as much as possible) and the best way to do that is to own my own truck, essentially if things go 'bad' i can "take my ball, and go home" Instead of pissing away all my money on nothing.

    Just my 2 cents.. Good luck :)
  7. terrylamar

    terrylamar Road Train Member

    Oct 8, 2006
    Austin, TX
    I am a Lease Operator on a mileage contract. The last time I checked, about four or five months ago, I was averaging $1,700.00 per week. I am doing better now, but have not figured it up. My first quarterly income tax was about $3,000.00 the one I just paid is about double that.

    I talk to drivers, the O/O and L/O to measure my performance against theirs. I am doing better than most. Most, I can figure out with a few questions why they are not doing well. Others, it must be bad luck. There are a few that are doing as well. What we have in common is agressiveness, being proactive and a very good work ethic.

    I am sure there are drivers with a higher classification than mine that are doing better. I was talking to one class 1a driver not long ago, despite the economic slowdown, he will be netting close to $120,000.00 this year. I can't verify that, but have no reason to doubt him.

    Freight is good, usually. I have had one or two days where I had to wait for more than a couple of hours.

    I think you should make the call.

    Sorry for the brevity, my Flying J internet is about to expire. I will write more at a later date.
    Double Shovel Thanks this.
  8. Braazooka

    Braazooka Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    Orlando FL
    How is the freight going for teams? To they have operations in CO?
  9. Saint Scott

    Saint Scott Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2009
    Storm Chaser
    Good Luck Driver..... I would lease after a couple of years...just saying
  10. eckz

    eckz <strong>"Radio Rambo"</strong>

    Sep 15, 2007
    Detroit, Michigan
    Terry and I are from a company that is often referred to as the marine core, we learned good habbits that are paramount to a drivers success in this business, and i do think that it makes a world of difference having that experience behind us.
  11. mitchtazz

    mitchtazz Road Train Member

    Sep 6, 2009
    Lake Wales, Fl
    i was jus curious.. when ya lease your truck to a company, you dont pay for all of the insurance right? you just pay for Bobtail and a couple of others.. the company picks up the rest..?? and aren't there a few other things like tags you dont have to worry about cause you run your truck under their tags, or do you still have to get tags? and when you lease do you HAVE to pull their trailer or can you pull your own? the reason i'm inquiring is cause i originally wanted to buy a truck and trailer and pull loads off of a load board, but then i kept researching it and the start out cost would be pretty high.. so i figured if i lease then i'd cut my start cost down alot.. and now i'm just tryin to fill in all of the blanks i have..
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