Lease Op's... How are You Doing ??

Discussion in 'Anderson' started by Howling Wolf, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Smurf, I thought your hubby went to Southern Refg. ?

    Things not working out?
    Things are picking up some I believe.
    We came back 1 month ago and have been steady.
    Paying the bills.

    Good luck if he chooses to come here, but he's going to have to stick around and not be a 6 month wonder and prove himself.

    Again good luck in your choice.
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  3. terrylamar

    terrylamar Road Train Member

    Oct 8, 2006
    Austin, TX
    I can't speak for all Lease Operators, but I am doing fine. This week I have been with Anderson for one year. It is time to renew the lease or find something else. TMC called me out of the blue and offered me a position on their boat fleet. I submitted my application. After several weeks of thinking about it I've decided to stay with Anderson.

    I will be in St. Cloud this Friday to sign my new lease. Since I have been with Anderson for one year I am eligible for their Capitol Lease Program. This is a true lease purchase program. I am staying with my current truck, I have had good luck with it for the past year.

    I will put $5,000.00 down. That isn't as bad as it sounds, I will get $3,200.00 for completing my current lease and I'll kick in $1,800.00 of my own money, 50 payments of $298.00 and a $1,000.00 buyout. I have to do this in one year because it is a high mileage truck, over 600,000 miles, otherwise they would extend the payments out and I would put less down. Essentially, they are financing my truck for no interest. Of course, I have rented it for the past year.

    All the volume indices are up for flatbed loads. 465% from a year ago. The tipping point was surpassed a week or so ago, so rates should start to go up. Fuel is on the rise again, so we can expect the weak to fold their tents and go home, that will be good news for the strong, more loads at higher rates.

    I plan to have this truck paid off in six months. I continue to gain experience in OD loads with a goal of becomming a Class 1A Heavy Haul driver as soon as possible.

    To address some conserns, yes, some lease purchase programs can work. Yes, all are tilted towards the Truck Companies so they make money. They are not charities. It requires running your truck as a business and cutting your expenses down to bare minimum. It can be done.
  4. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Hey Terry, Well congrats.
    We might be at the glass house also Fri. Unlding in the Great White North Wens.

    Then to Cloud I guess no H.H. work for me at the present.
  5. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    I didn't post that for me. Someone was asking the question so I sent them to that thread. Glad to hear you made your 1st yr in good shape. I'm sure Anderson is a lot more professional than the CRE types. Hope you get into the big OD stuff.
  6. Diesel_Smurf

    Diesel_Smurf ~Trucker's Wife~

    Dec 18, 2009
    He did hun, but seems we have a couple problems here. One being they keep swapping loads from him taking his long miles from him and giving them to someone else and then he gets their short runs. He had 3500 miles one week and poof only 2000 the next. (which is pretty sad considering the one load he was on 1996 miles was swapped from him 700 miles from delivery ( he had plenty of hours) we were counting on that load and the next one to get us home (at least another 700 miles from drop off to home) to catch up on bills. JB Hunts lease purchase got us so far behind we can't get out. I talked to ATS recruiter myself asked very specific questions. I just wanted to make sure all i hear from a recruiter can be backed up ya know? Was told after 1 year lease you then have option to purchase (i asked straight out is this a purchase or just a lease deal) but you do not purchase the truck you leased. You purchase a brand new truck and was told payments on the brand new freightliner cascadia or cornado would be about 475 a week. for 48 months. Is anyone else doing the lp with ATS? Please let us know how you are doing. :)

    oh another reason he wants to leave SRT? well lets just say they could care less of their drivers. He needs time off (just a few days or so) to help me get stuff sorted cause we were so far in the hole with jb that we were served eviction papers 2 days ago. We will be okay, friends are letting us move in with them. But need to get a storage unit and all. I need him here for all this. The electric will be cut off either today or tomorrow so we need to get stuff done soon! The boys and I can do a lot yes, but need another driver to help out ya know? At the moment he is delivering a swapped load. Since he was supposed to go back yesterday on the road his dispatcher already had him a load lined up. So he went and picked it up and swapped it with someone who can take it to maryland (we live in georgia) and he took their load that delivers in ga this morning. then he will be coming back home. But his dispatcher was sure to make sure he knew when he comes back on the road after sorting out our personal life that he will not be earning any home time once he gets out there. he has to pay back the extra days off first..... more or less a week out for each additional day he is here.

    So sweet of them to care huh?
  7. Diesel_Smurf

    Diesel_Smurf ~Trucker's Wife~

    Dec 18, 2009
    p.s. was told today that she was able to approve his coming home (after telling him yesterday he would be able to), but he is a thin ice situation now. Excuse me, but he has never done anything to be put on thin ice, She his dispatcher has told me personally she likes that he is a go get 'em guy and always makes sure he has hours (takes a 34 while on a load that will allow it once he gets almost there that is) to ensure he will always have hours when needed. why take off for a 34 when you can get one while under a load he always says. He has always no matter who he has driven for been on the ball at all times. They used to call him the terminator at CRST. He was a trainer there for about 3 years of the time he was with them. They knew they could always count on him to train someone RIGHT! And always got his loads done on time. but now he is on thin ice because we are being evicted and he needs to help me and our kids at home for a few days? I'm sorry but it ticks me off, I know my husband and his ethics and this is bull ####!

    gotta get for now again. More packing and throwing stuff away time
  8. Diesel_Smurf

    Diesel_Smurf ~Trucker's Wife~

    Dec 18, 2009
    My phone is still off, :biggrin_25511:grrr. When I get it back on will give ya a call hun. We are movin so might be a little bit :biggrin_2552:

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