Leasing to Admiral Merchants

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Tommyk, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Big Herb The Trucker

    Big Herb The Trucker Light Load Member

    Jun 10, 2017
    How much experience is needed? Is 3-6 months good enough?
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  3. JimmyWells

    JimmyWells Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    You're an Owner Operator and only have 3-6 months experience?
    nofilter Thanks this.
  4. Big Herb The Trucker

    Big Herb The Trucker Light Load Member

    Jun 10, 2017
    Not yet I own and drive a 26 foot box truck in NYC without killing anyone. But I plan on going owner op after 3-6 months in a Tractor trailer. Why not? Not saying you, but People kill me with the you need a certain amount of years to be an owner op. As long as you can drive and don't hit or kill anyone, and have common sense in business you don't need a certain amount of years to be an owner op. Some people have been driving 20 years and are dumb as a rock or just don't want to run business, but they can drive the hell out of a truck. Some people like me could drive a truck for 6 months and totally understand business with their eyes closed. Its all about the individual' this business is not a one size fits all type of thing. Companies have drivers training other drivers after months why not get your own instead of being a slave for 36cpm. Nothing wrong with being a company driver just my opinion.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    fargonaz and nax Thank this.
  5. JimmyWells

    JimmyWells Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Indeed but they are completely ruining the industry and putting the rest of us at risk. Those megas are the most evil of them all. As you get into the business more you'll see what I mean. If I were you, I'd be looking into doing intermodal work as an O/O. There's places that will lease you on. Also, being business savvy is certainly helpful but there is so much to learn about the trucking industry (on the business side) that most people aren't even aware of. Just because a guy can run a pizza shop doesn't mean he can manage a hospital. Every industry and business has their own unique challenges and quirks.
    kimbosa and whoopNride Thank this.
  6. SemperFiServices

    SemperFiServices Medium Load Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    Indianapolis, IN
    Can anyone speak about their trailer leasing programs? What they have, where to get one, how much a month?
  7. nax

    nax Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Ha! Ha! Ha!....Is there a problem with that?

    If your head is screwed on right, I dont see a problem.

    Trucking is like any other business. Would you express concern if he had opened a Dunkin' Donut?

    It's the dumb ones that screw up so fast/so bad, that it makes people believe that you have to be a company driver for 2+yrs before you can be an O/O. Actually, It also seems to be the corporate mantra, so they can hold drivers captive for a few more years to wring every ounce of their soul.
    nofilter Thanks this.
  8. JimmyWells

    JimmyWells Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Yes, I express concern for ANYONE starting ANY business without spending some time in the related field of said business first. It's common sense!

    Did you buy YOUR when you first got your license?
    nofilter Thanks this.
  9. nax

    nax Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Yes. I actually own a FULLY paid off Semi. and I bought it before my CDL hit 1yr.
  10. JimmyWells

    JimmyWells Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    You learned something from somewhere. You didn't drive for anyone during that first year? The knowledge of all the associated issues with the trucking industry didn't just magically appear in your mind.
  11. nax

    nax Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Technically, I only drove for 6 months on a regional, home daily, seasonal gig.

    I turned out unscathed, unlike the other hires (5 others; where 3 crashed their rigs, even after coming from OTR, and other 2 damaged trailers backing up)
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