Legality of running with another company's graphics?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Audiomaker, May 22, 2016.

  1. Prom Night Dumpster Baby

    Prom Night Dumpster Baby Medium Load Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    Bug Tussle, TN
    Only thing required on a trailer is reg. tag and annual insp. sticker. Trademarked logos would fall under copyright laws. The liberty to display anything else is only because some beltway bureaucrat hasn't realized a way to expand the bureau or charge fines off of it.
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  3. Studebaker Hawk

    Studebaker Hawk Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2010
    NW Indiana
    Remember the poor schmuck that owned some sort of construction business. Traded in his pickup at CarMax, got wholesaled and exported to the Middle East. ISIS mounted guns on it, next thing guys sees his old pickup with his company name on it on the TV news used by terrorists. He got death threats because of it.
    we haul used trailers going from auction site to dealer or dealer to customer or whatever with company names, logos all the time. No law against it, just dumb for them not to deidentify the unit. But that costs money.
    Audiomaker Thanks this.
  4. Toomanybikes

    Toomanybikes Road Train Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Those "Swift trailers" are most likely leased to Coca-Cola. Swift does that all the time for companies like Coke, UPS, and Fed-ex. They give those companies a cherry deal on trailer leasing in exchange for some freight. Swift will not sell a trailer with their logo in tact for liability reasons.

    You may still see M.S. carrier trailers still on the road. If they are it is because Swift still owns them. If you look closely at the sold trailers, 'M.S.' from the 'M.S. Carriers' will be removed or covered up. Swift retains rights to the M.S. carrier name and will not sell a trailer with that logo intact.
  5. GasHauler

    GasHauler Master FMCSA Interpreter

    Oct 23, 2005
    It doesn't matter what you have on the trailer. What counts is the information on the doors of the cab. There you have to have the company name, where it home based, and all the appropriate numbers. That's the way it was when I was driving a few years back.
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