Light for the rear bed of a street sweeper?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by ldanielstn, May 10, 2019.

  1. ldanielstn

    ldanielstn Bobtail Member

    Feb 8, 2019
    Kingsport, TN
    Our sweepers (as well as garbage, dump trucks, and recycle) have to be cleaned out each evening. There is a washout station where all trucks use a fore hose to wash their (raised) beds/hoppers out. The Tymco 600 Air Sweeper rear door/latch only lifts up a few feet for clean out. When it is dark the drivers cannot see into the hopper to get it clean, it's a guess. The light at the station is overhead and does not help them see into the hopper. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and had a method to install a light inside the hopper that could withstand both the water from cleaning and the "sand blasting" of the sweeper operation? Thanks for any advice.
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  3. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    anyone ever consider going to places like home depot or lowes or the local hardware store, and buy anything like this...??
    CousinVinny Thanks this.
  4. CousinVinny

    CousinVinny Medium Load Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    New Jersey
    I'd suggest something like this:

    Which appears to be the same thing as this:

    I was getting them for $40 from a NAPA employee and I bet if you looked hard enough you could find the Chinese supplier and get them for a fraction of the price.

    They are magnetic on the base and the back of the light, the bottom 'pulls out' and there is a swivel so when the light is attached to something you can aim it. There is a flat LED bar on the face of the light and a single, bright LED on the top of it. They come with an internal rechargeable lithium battery pack and an AC charger. The batteries last long and they are surprisingly durable.

    These are great for anyone that needs illumination somewhere that conventional lighting is difficult to work with.
    buddyd157 Thanks this.
  5. Michael 247

    Michael 247 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 20, 2017
    Dublin Va
    15575179564631826630582915912533.jpg This light is cordless and has a magnetic could be used as a backup light
  6. CousinVinny

    CousinVinny Medium Load Member

    Jan 26, 2015
    New Jersey
    I've used those style magnetic LED lamps as well. The ones I linked are not even a comparison; they are infinitely superior.
  7. ldanielstn

    ldanielstn Bobtail Member

    Feb 8, 2019
    Kingsport, TN
    Thanks for the tip. The only issue is that hopper / beds are stainless steel. But hanging it might be an option.
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